6. Felt so Right

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"Aelsa." She introduced looking Harwin up and down. "It is so nice to meet you, I feel like ive been trying to track you down since I first arrived."

"Have you?" Harwin questioned as he kissed her hand, he let his lips linger.

"Of course, a man like you... is a man I want to know." Aelsa said her fingers trialing down his arm as she batted her eyes lashes up at him. A devilish smirk appeared on his face as his tongue poked out licking at his suddenly dry lips when Tyland marched down the hall.

"Excuse us." Tyland said grabbing Aelsa's arm.

"We will talk soon." Aelsa assured Harwin.

"I look forward it to." Harwin agreed as he watched her go.

"What the fuck Ty!" Aelsa sneered pulling her arm from his grip.

"Today is the day." Tyland remarked. "The king requested your presence."

"Did he?" Aelsa questioned innocently as she ran her fingers through her hair flattening it down evenly over her shoulders.

"Best smiles, be golden, innocent, angelic." Tyland told her.

"I got this." Aelsa assured. They walked side by side and Tyland held the door open for her as she entered Viserys caught her eye, she offered her sweetest of smiles as she clasped her hands in front of her as the rest of the council arrived. Otto stared at Aelsa as he took his seat, what was she doing here?

'Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council.  "the Lady Aelsa Lannister before spring's end."

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"And I am your King." 

Ottos grip tightened on his daughter she flinched at his touch. Rhaenyra glanced over at the Lannister's Aelsa seemed kind, but Rhaenyra's gaze shifted to Alicent and her father, the pinched look on Otto's face.

"You honor me, your grace." Aelsa said as Corlys stormed out.

"Might I have a moment alone with my bride to be?" Viserys requested as the room cleared out. "I'm sorry for springing that on you." Viserys admitted.

"Oh, no... I'm actually quite glad." Aelsa told him honestly. "Surprised yes, but glad."

"You are?" Viserys asked hopefully.

"Of course, I have grown quite fond of you since I first got the pleasure to beat you at chess." Aelsa told him. "I am honored that you chose me. I hope I can do you proud." Aelsa told him.

"That is a relief to hear, I know you wanted true love-' Viserys began but Aelsa took a step forward and silenced him with a kiss. His arms wrapped around her as their lips mingled. She embraced him with the burden of passion something he didn't know he still was craving until the moment her lips met his and he knew he had made the right choice, because nothing had ever felt so right.


"House Velaryon's origins reach back to Old Valyria. More ancient even than House Targaryen... according to some texts." Corlys remarked.  "But unlike the Targaryens, we were no dragon lords. For centuries, my house had to scratch out an existence from the sea with grit and luck. When I ascended the Driftwood Throne... I knew what I wanted.' Corlys said solemnly.

"So I went out and seized it. Unlike every other lord of the realm, I can say that I built my house's high seat with the strength of mine own back." Corlys went on. 'I've always thought of you and I as having been made from the same cloth.'

'I wasn't aware you had a king for a brother.' Daemon remarked.

'We're both men who have had to cut our own way through the world. We've been passed over... too often."

"Did you call me to Driftmark to remind me of my low standing, Lord Corlys, or was there some other reason?" daemon pondered.

"You've heard of the troubles in the Stepstones?"

"Some Myrish Prince is feeding Westerosi sailors to the crabs." Daemon recalled.

"I have been petitioning the King to send my navy into the territory, but he's denied me." Corlys told him.

"It was never my brother's strongest trait." Daemon remarked.


'Being King." Daemon clarified smugly.

"The crabfeeder is backed by powerful entities within the Free Cities who wish to see Westeros weakened." Coryls went on 'And the King's failures have allowed him to accumulate strength. If those shipping lanes fall, my house will be crippled. And I will not have Driftmark beggared while our King idles himself with feasts and balls and tourneys."

"I will speak of my brother as I wish. You will not." Daemon warned

"Waiting in the Stepstones is a chance for you to prove your worth to any who might yet doubt it. We are the realm's second sons, Daemon. Our worth is not given. It must be made.'

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