25. I Forgot That You Existed

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When Aemond was five Aelsa started really teaching him how to play chess. Aegon quickly was bored of her games but Aemond was quite good at stratagy once he got the hang of it.

Aegon at 9 sat in Aelsas lap. He was a skinny thing. All arms and legs. A mop of silver hair on his head. Aelsa would run a hand over his arm as she taught Aemond.

Aelsa did try more with Helaena but the bugs. Why bugs? Anything else but insects. Aelsa didnt like creepy crawlers. Helaena was never catching butterflies just things with too many legs and too many eyes.

Aegon just wanted love. He leaned into Aelsa bored. Big violet eyes staring up at her.

"Ser Criston? Would you be a dear and train Aegon?" Aelsa asked and Criston agreed. "My brave strong boy." Aelsa told Aegon as he got up.

"Will you come and watch me?" Aegon asked.

"As soon as this game is done we will be right there." Aelsa agreed. Aegon smiled as she kissed his hands before running outside.

"I shall get ser Harwin to guard the door". Criston remarked.

"Yes. Thank you Ser Criston". Aelsa agreed. She continued with Aemond moving rooks and knights when Harwin came in closing the door. "My knight". Aelsa said not looking up from the board. "I think I have almost got checkmate."

"Aemond is a smart boy. He will be beating you in no time." Harwin remarked and Aemond beamed up at him.

"No doubt in my mind". Aelsa agreed as she tipped the king.


Helaena was an odd one. Aelsa focused on her boys when she realized that Helaena liked her solitude.

Aelsa heard her talking to her insects and wondered if she was lonely. Aelsa asked her if she wanted to ioin them for a boat ride and Helaena stared back at her.

"There could be bugs. Fish!" Aelsa declared "there could be fish you could see. The boys are going to try and catch them. How about that?"

"I suppose" Helaena agreed. "Could I catch a fish?"

"Lets try". Aelsa agreed. But Helaena talked in riddles talking to herself the whole ride. Aelsa tried to start a conversation but Helaena kept kept rambling in her own little world. Unable to stop herself it seemed.

"What do you think my love?" Aelsa whispered kissing Aemonds cheek.

"Im going to check it." Aemond informed her as Aegon pulled up his reel.

"Good job my prince". Harwin declared as Aegon held his fish up proudly.

"Wonderful!" Aelsa agreed.

"You smell like fish my loves". Aelsa declared when they got back. She sent them off to their chambers telling them she would be in soon to tend to them.

It was like the king didnt exsist. It was just them as Aelsa had wanted it to be for years. Every since she met Harwin.


"But the cat wasnt in a hat well he was but it wasnt his hat it was the hatters hat". Helaena went on.

"A cat in a hat?" Aelsa chuckled. "What a thought! Would you like a cat?" Maybe aelsa had to decipher Helaenas riddles to understand her.

"No. This cat floats and disappears and comes back. I dont want a cat".

"Do you want... a hat?" Aelsa questioned confused.

"No no I dont like hats". Helaena corrected and went back to rambling about wonderland. Aelsa wondered greatly about her daughter but was very confused with how her mind worked. But Helaena seemed happy in her own little world.

Aelsa had been pampered growing up. She was a high born but not only that. A Lannister. Lannisters were not ones to be cleaning or doing chores they had people for that. But she found she liked tending to her children. She liked baking with them. She loved teaching them.

She wondered on nights curled up next to Harwin what might have happened if she hadnt met him. If she hadnt loved him. If he didnt love her back. What dull tragedy her life would have become and she wouldnt have even known because she was too caught up in her own mind and what her family wanted- a queen a lannister queen- to realize that wasnt what she truly wanted.


"You want me to beg for it?"

"Would you?" Aelsa countered.

"I'd fucking kill for it," he hissed.

"Perhaps you should remind me of why I adore that mouth so very much," she pondered as he dropped to his knees infront of her. Aelsa smiled down at him biting at her lip as he moved her thigh to rest on one of his shoulders. He did not need further instruction and he buried his face between her legs.

She whimpered out one hand on the wall the other grabbing onto a handful of his hair as she tried to stay upright.

Aelsa arched and ached her hips into him as he moved hks mouth and tongue further into her wet folds. She threw her head back in pleasure as he held tight to her but  soon she was struggling to hold herself up as her legs grew weak and shaky. He kept a firm hold of her as he pulled back. His eyes greedy as he stared back at her.

Almost growling as he pulled her dress from her completely as Harwin got to his feet. He held to her hips as he moved her back to the bed spinning her around before her hands and knees met the soft touch of the mattress. Looking forward she could see reflection in a mirror. Her breast moved with every heaving breath as he pulled her ass to him.

He pushed her legs apart hands sliding between her legs as she watched him in the mirror. He gave a firm slap to her ass before reaching around and squeezing her breast.

Each time his had met her a slap or squeeze, she moaned out loudly.

"Please," she begged desperately for Harwin as his hand glided gently over her with a feather light touch now that had her craving for more.

"What do you want?" Harwin questioned. "My queen..."

"You," aelsa begged immediately.

Running his hand down between her legs, she felt his fingers teasing her entrance as his one of the fingers of his other hand played with her clit. Then she felt a finger enter her, as he pulled her back into him she felt him throbbing against her as she arched her back wanting him, she heard his chuckle.

"I want you. I want you!" Aelsa begged.

Harwin chuckled again as he pushed a finger in deeper and began to move it around inside of her and she moaned again.

"Alright your majesty." Harwin whispered pulling away from her. aelsa moaned out in despair. "On your knees love." Aelsa let him turn her around so she face him kissing him fiercely Before wordlessly she bent down to her knees.

She striped him down kissing his thighs before taking hold of him, Aelsa moved her mouth over his tip. Adding the pressure lips and tongue moving around him almost instantly as she moved he head back and forth. Almost choking when he pushed himself in too deep, she could not get enough of him.

Harwin grabbed at her golden locks groaning as she moved. Before he quickly pulled her head back and watched as his warm seed spill down her bare breasts as she gasped for breath.

"Im never going to be done with you Aelsa." Harwin whispered picking her up and she clung to him as he lsy her down on the bed kissing her neck.

"More of you." Aelsa said in a happy daze. "Right the fuck now." She kept her legs hooked around his hips he felt perked nipples against his chest with every needy breath she released.

"What more could you want of me?" Harwin mused as he smiled softly back at her.

"Everything." Aelsa answered wishing it were so simple.

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