11. A Stab at his Masculinity

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'Well, isn't this splendid. The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kings wood.' Viserys remarked looking around the carriage.

'Should you be traveling in such condition?' Rhaenyra questioned through tight lips.

'The maester said that being out in nature would do me well.' Aelsa said graciously. Rhaenyra hated how easy she fell into the role of queen, how easier her mother was replaced. She hated Aelsa Lannister. The feeling was entirely mutual.

'Well, you will be with your own child sooner than late, and make me a proud grand sire.' Viserys said happily but Rhaenyra groaned.

'It's not so bad. The days are long, but Aegon came quickly and without fuss.' Aelsa remarked but Rhaenyra held nothing but bitter resentment for Aelsa. "Better to start young, the older you get the more... complications can occur." Aelsa offered gently. Labor was a bitch. Pushing and screaming and blood and her poor cunt was torn apart and now she was having another. She couldn't see past her stomach and to her feet. She wanted this day to be over so Harwin could bury his face into her. 

'You should ride out with me today. Join in the chase.' Viserys offered

'I'd rather not. The boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered. I find it discomforting'. Rhaenyra said looking out the window.

'It's a hunt, Rhaenyra.' Viserys reminded her trying to keep a smile on his face as Aegon babbled happily.  Aelsa glanced over at Aegon and he smiled up at her. She tapped his head gently. She didn't connect with this one, not yet at least perhaps the next. You would think that harboring the little spawn inside of her for nine moons would give them a special bond but perhaps when he grew she would like him better. He was too messy right now. 'How would you like to participate?' Viserys pondered.

'I'm not sure why I must.' Rhaenyra countered.

'Because you are my daughter... The Princess. And you have duties.' Viserys reminded her.

'As I am ceaselessly reminded.' Rhaenyra murmured softly.

'I'm sorry?' Viserys questioned leaning towards her.

'As I am ceaselessly reminded.' Rhaenyra shouted back at him.

'You wouldn't need to be reminded if you ever attended to them.' he reminded her.

'No one's here for me.' Rhaenyra told him bitterly.

"Correct." Aelsa agreed her voice barely audible but Rhaenyra heard her and glared across the carriage. Aelsa's eyes drifted over to her the smuggest of looks on her face.

As they stepped out of the carriage they crowd cheered for their prince.

'Hail, hail Aegon, the Conqueror-Babe, Second of His Name! Here's to His Grace on his second name day!' the crowd continued to cheer as Aegon was lifted up. Inside the celebration Rhaenyra felt just as out of place as she walked the crowd.


"Aunt Ceria!" Aelsa declared.

"Hello my sweet." Ceria hugged to her. "Look at you, glowing."

"Thank you..." Aelsa's eyes wandered, it was not hard at all to find Harwin. He stuck out in the room of pish posh lords and ladies, his rugged and strong build making her heart flutter just seeing him watching her.

"You look radiant your grace." Harwin remarked and Aelsa's fake smile instantly turned real.

"Thank you Ser Harwin." Aelsa turned to him.

"Would like to get some fresh air?" Harwin suggested.

"Yes. I feel a bit warm in here." She agreed. "Excuse me Aunt Ciera."

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