26. Out Of Love

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Aelsa didnt know when it happened but she fell out of love with the idea of the crown. The power and being queen.

She fell in love with Harwin and her boys and wanted or needed for nothing else.

Years passed and she loved her life when it was just Harwin and her boys. It was perfect. The ideas her family had for a lannister on the throne although appealing at the time it was no longer was what Aelsa wanted.

She wanted love and to be loved. Not by the whole of westeros but by Harwin. She wanted to kiss him for all to see. She never wanted to stop kissing him.

She was enchanted.

"Mama?" Aemond questioned and she stared back at him. "Your move." Aelsa looked to the chess board in front of them and moved her rook. As she did it she saw her mistake. Aemonds smile widened. He moved his knight forward. Aelsa had two moves. Neither were good. If Aemond saw his own pieces through her eyes he would win in less than three moves no matter what Aelsa did.

"Tick tock tick tock!" Aemond declared. Aelsa smiled back at him reaching out to touch his cheek.

"My smart boy you are." Aelsa remarked fondly. She moved her knight and took his own knight. His smile faltered as his eyes scanned the board as the door swung open.

"Mum im bored." Aegon declared flopping down beside her and laying his head in her lap. She ran her hand over his chest and stomach as he closed his eyes. "Ser Harwin says im doing really good." Aegon remarked happily. "Says I have potential."

"Of course you do. And you have our first bout in a few moons". Aelsa agreed. "Im confident you will win. You train so hard. Both my boys so perfect so smart so strong and so brave."

Aegon had quickly become a mamas boy. She was there for him. Loved him and supported him. He felt like he had value and purpose.


Rhaenyra quickly found that she liked Aelsa after her first and then second obvious bastard. Aelsa had shown kindness. At first Rhaenyra thought Aelsa was going to try and steal the crown from under her. She had her cousins breathing down her neck about it and molding Aegon into a true king but Aelsa saw that Aegon was happy without the pressure of a crown.

Rhaenyras bastards although unfortunate for the Velaryons first a red haired little boy then a boy with dirty blonde hair. Rhaenyra didnt seem to have a type. Aelsa thought she had a type. She used to be Rhaenyra. Finding handsome knights but then she met Harwin and all the other men seemed to fade away. She was married to the king but that was a minor set back.


Aelsa sucked in a nervous breath as Aegon fell to the ground.

"Im alright mum." Aegon assured getting back up.

"Maybe hes not ready." Aelsa offered softly. "I mean its just... hes still so young... he doesnt... its- we could wait."

"He is doing well. Every time he falls he gets right back up again." Harwin informed her. "He is resilient." 

"He has a good teacher." Aelsa agreed giving Harwins arm a squeeze.

"And a great mother." Harwin added.

"Aelsa! Your grace!" Tyland declared.

"Excuse me a moment." Aelsa remarked turning to him.

"Any luck with the king?"

"What do you mean?" Aelsa countered.

"Come on Aelsa. Making Aegon his heir. We talked about this." Tyland reminded her.

"Yes and I said then and now I dont want him to be king. Cant it be enough if the world remembers the Lannister name as good and just and powerful. Not manipulative and-"

"Aelsa come on. Aegon is being robbed. It is his birthright."

"Its not. Its Jaces."

"The bastard ginger. Yeah sure the realm will accept him about as much as they will Rhaenyra." Tyland countered.

"Helaena likes Jace. Hes a little odd ball like her. Its cute. He has a good heart and Rhaenyra is... making the best of her situation." Aelsa remarked.


"Is my boy and I will see as I see fit."


"They want me to get viserys to make Aegon his heir. I dont want that. I dont want that all!" Aelsa declared. "Im so worried about them and their future but... what say I have in any of it? They wont listen to me. Tyland is probably already putting thoughts in Viserys head. Aegon doesnt want to be king. Harwin my mind is racing!" Aelsa declared running her hands over her face.

"You cant control what others do only youself." Harwin remarked "just keep raising and loving your boys if they are meant to rule then the shall but the king has not once wavered from Rhaenyras claim has he?"

"No." Aelsa agreed. "He hasnt,"

"See then you are over thinking." Harwin remarked gently. "And I have a solution for that."

"Oh?" Aelsa mused

"Don't think." Harwin whispered pulling up her dress skirts. He dove at her pussy, burying his face in it, and he could not help the shuddering moan he emitted. The smell of her, musky and feminine; the feel of her, velvet soft and her bristly hair; the taste of her, sweet as nectar. Aelsas legs wrapped around his back. The mix of pleasure and need and too sensitive and not enough is a war that explodes through Aelsa, soothing every muscle, erasing every worry. There is only here, now, this wondrous moment, stars pricking her vision, her body used and worshipped and sated.

"Feel better?" Harwin asked fixing her dress as he rose.

"I love you. You always know what to say... what to do to make me feel alive again."

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