27. Proud

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To say Aelsa worried about Aegon when he was at his first competition was an understatement.

Both Harwin and Criston escorted Aelsa and her boys. Criston reminded her that she didnt need to go to these mini tournaments. They were just to get the boys ready but Aelsa shook her head smiling. Saying she wouldnt miss it. Plus a few days far away from Viserys was refreshing.

"Are you sure hes ready?" Aelsa asked them nervously as they waited.

"Yes. He has been training hard". Criston agreed.

"He said he wants to win for you". Harwin added.

"Would both of you sit down?" Aelsa requested "you standing there makes me nervous". Aelsa remarked running a hand over Aemonds back.

Aegon smiled back at Aelsa before he took his place. Harwin grabbed her hand gently as she stared back at Aegon. 

"People get hurt, they can get really hurt at these things... I don't want him to get hurt..." Aelsa whispered. Aemond leaned into her putting his book down in his lap. 

"He is going to do great." Aemond assured. 

Aelsa watched as Aegon moved, sharp jabs quick on his feet. The more he moved the more confident Aelsa got. Match after match and Aegon kept getting better and winning. When Aegon's hand was lifted deeming him winner Aelsa jumped up clapping. Criston had never seen Aegon look so proud. 

"My boy, my boy!" Aelsa declared happily. "Oh you did wonderful, so wonderful. I'm so proud of you." 

"Thanks mum." Aegon whispered and he wanted to pretend like his mother hugging him in front of all the other knights was embarrassing. But he loved every second of it. 

"Oh I'm proud, so proud. I was terrified I will admit that but Aegon honey you were perfect." Aelsa declared. 

Aegon boasted happily as they ate supper.

"I'm sure the king will be pleased to hear how well you did." Criston offered. Now why would he have to bring up the king? They were having such a nice day away from the castle. Away from her husband. But Aegon just shrugged. Aelsa loved them even more for it.

Aemond loved that Aelsa was here. Loved that she was always teaching them and supporting them. 

Aegon always wanted to make her proud but she was already so proud of him. Of them both. Being away from the capital made her so happy, seeing what her life could have been like. Her boys and her Harwin.


''I will stay with queen Aelsa" Harwin assured blocking her door.

"Its my night watch." Criston countered.

''I can take care of the queen. I assured you." Harwin corrected. Criston opened his mouth to object and Harwin spoke before he really realized what he was saying, the person he was speaking about wasnt his wife, his paramour, she was his queen but Aelsa was so much more than that to him. "She doesn't want you criston.'' Harwin remarked sternly and he huffed a breath.

''Fine. I love a good nights sleep.'' Criston agreed as he headed to his chambers.

They made love, quickly the first time, coming fast with soft groans and hard thrusts, then more slowly, their bodies not in as much of a hurry to race to their releases the second time.

As they rested a bit their bodies recovering Harwin stirred behind Aelsa, waking from the drowsy doze he'd fallen into, and slipped his arms around her. One hand reached down between her thighs to tentatively touch her, Aelsa chuckled leaning back into him.

Harwin moaned a little at the back of her neck, his hips pushing forward to press into her ass.

"Would you like me to lick you to completion?" he murmured, his hand trailing back down again to stop just above her clit, pressing gently into the soft flesh. "I wouldn't want you to have trouble sleeping."

She chuckled as he turned her over onto her back to kiss her.

"I liked that thing you did earlier." Aelsa whispered. "That was new." He looked confused for a moment, then realization brought a grin to his lips.

"Ah...leaving you wanting. And now you can't get enough?"

Aelsa nodded happily, closing her eyes tight as he started nuzzling his way down her chest to her stomach, continuing lower until he was right where she wanted him. Aelsa held her breath, anticipating that first agonizingly delicious flick from his tongue, groaning loudly when it finally came. She reached down to tangle her hands in his hair, raising her knees to cradle his head between her legs.

Aelsa opened her eyes and looked down at him. The expression on his face told her he was feeling that need, right now.

"Come here. " Aelsa moaned, feeling her face flush hot. "Please Harwin... I need you inside me...now...please." The wide grin that spread across his face as he crawled up her body to hurriedly settle on top of her made her feel so alive that she choked on a sob as he pushed in, stretching her wide and thrusting deep.

It was fast and messy and it hurt as much as it felt good but she wanted it that way, she wanted to feel every inch of him as far inside her as she could, to have her body absorb every move he made and to know without any doubt that he was inside her.

As she looked up at him, at his sweaty face and his tightly closed eyes, brow furrowed in intense concentration and mouth slightly open, breathing hard and heavy, she knew one thing with a piercing clarity unlike any other bit of knowledge she had ever stored away in her brain.

She knew that she loved him, and that this - this man on top of her, whose breath and body she was sharing - this was the man she would spend the rest of her life with, make a family with, and grow old with.

But reality hit and Aelsa pushed her roles her obligations everything out of her mind besides Harwin Strong.

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