13. Chasing Fairy Tales

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'Your Grace... I had this forged in the Golden Gallery in honor of Prince Aegon.' Jason said coming up to Viserys. Aelsa was right, he needed to win Viserys over.

'It's quite a thing.' Viserys said as Jason handed off the spear.

'I hope it might provide the killing stroke against your white hart. The King of the Kings wood. It's as if the Seven themselves have blessed this day.'

'Thank you... for your generosity.' Viserys told him stiffly but Jason was not done.

'I would be honored to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, Your Grace. What I offer you, The crown and your daughter, is strength.' Jason told him.

'Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?'

'If someone offered you more dragons, would you not take them?'

'Do you have dragons to offer?' Viserys countered

'Casterly Rock is a splendid seat. Rhaenyra may take her place there by my side without shame, and feel herself well-compensated for her loss in station.' Jason offered

'What loss of station?' Viserys sneered, Aelsa was perfection but her cousins Viserys found less and less appealing.

'If you were to name young Aegon heir, Your Grace'. Jason remarked.

'And when would I be doing that?' Viserys questioned incredulously.

'I had assumed... as he's your firstborn son... Many of us had assumed...' Jason said awkwardly.

'Many of us, you say? Have your bannermen questioned my choice of heir?'

'Of course not, Your Grace.'

'It is your sworn duty to report rebellion stirring in my kingdom.'

'Rebellion? There's been nothing of the sort, Your Grace. I, I...' Jason stuttered nervously.

'I did not decide to name Rhaenyra my heir on a whim. All the lords of the kingdom would do well to remember that. Thank you... for the gift.' Viserys said stiffly.

'Your Grace.' Jason said nervously stepping back

'Wine.' Viserys requested before a smile curved his face seeing Aelsa already looking at him.

'The huntsman has the trail, Your Grace, and has sent out the hounds. It won't be long now until the white hart is cornered. Your prize is within reach.' Otto said coming to sit down at Viserys side.  'What do you make of Lord Jason's proposal?'

'That man's pride has pride.'

'You're not only Rhaenyra's father, you're the King. She'll do as you command.' Otto reminded him

'It is not my wish to command her, Otto.' Viserys told him 'I want her to be happy.'

'There is another choice beyond Casterly Rock. One, perhaps, you might be more comfortable with. One... closer to home.' Otto suggested slowly.

'Who do you have in mind?'

'Prince Aegon.' Viserys looked to his son just turned two Aegon was babbling. Otto knew this was second best to his own grandson but the Lannister's could be bought and Aelsa seemed reasonable enough. As long as he kept in both the king and queen's good graces he would remain at court, guide the king and mold their children into what he needed them to be.

'The boy just turned two, Otto.' Viserys reminded him

'Yes, but it would cease the endless proposals for Rhaenyra's hand.' Otto told him hoping that his grandson would be king one day and Viserys started to laugh. 'Betroth them.'

'I came here to hunt... not to be suffocated by all this fսcking politicking.' Viserys spat

'Let us speak no more of it.' Otto agreed leaving his side.


'Hi." Aelsa said coming up to Harwin.

"Hello Your grace." He answered on command but Aelsa saw his smile grow.

"What are you fine knights doing out here?" Aelsa questioned as Harwin offered her his seat around the fire.

"Waiting for the hunt your grace." Erryk remarked.

"All this fuss over my little boy, you all are so very kind to be spending your days chasing after fairy tales." Aelsa mused and Harwin chuckled running a hidden hand along her back and long blonde hair.

"It's the sign of a true king."

"Yet it is the princess all the great houses swore loyalty to." Aelsa reminded them innocently.

"True." Arryk  agreed. "But a prince has been born of the king." Aelsa smiled back at them.

"are you saying you all want a king, a true king not a queen when Viserys passes?" Aelsa questioned.

"Your grace we are loyal to the crown." They echoed.

"I know." Aelsa assured.

"We didn't mean any disrespect."

"And you have given none." Aelsa assured. "Ser Harwin... lets take a walk before your hunt." Aelsa suggested as he took her hand helping her up.


'We've sent out riders to find Rhaenyra, Your Grace.' Lyonel assured as the night grew dark and there was no sign of the princess. 'Ser Criston went after her, so the hope is that they are together.'

'The girl is a heedless contrarian. If I instead forbade her to wed a Lannister, she would've run off with Lord Jason out of spite.' Viserys remarked.  'A truly great Targaryen King I am. Powerless over mine own daughter of seven-and-ten.'

'King Jaehaerys ruled over half a century of peace while his children drove him to the edge of madness... his daughters, in particular.' Lyonel recalled 'It is tradition, Your Grace.' Viserys took another sip of wine he surely didn't need it but he drank it down anyways. 'Do you wish to hear my opinion on the matter?' Viserys let out a long sigh

'Should I guess? You believe that your son, Ser Harwin "Break bones," the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, is the best match for Rhaenyra.' Viserys hissed. Viserys knew Aelsa was fond of her guard, he looked after her well. He didn't know how well, but he knew the queen felt safer with Harwin around.

'You flatter me, Your Grace, but no.' Lyonel told him 'It would seem to me the best match for Rhaenyra is the son of The Sea Snake, Ser Laenor.' He offered 'Some years ago, I counseled you to take his sister to wife. My reasoning remains the same. Laenor is of pure Valyrian descent. He shares blood with your cousin, the Princess Rhaenys. And he is the heir to the wealthiest house in the realm. The breach between your houses has not narrowed since I last spoke of it. It would do much to assuage Lord Corlys of any slights real... or imagined.' Viserys pondered the idea. 'We must pray, of course, that Laenor survives the fighting in the Stepstones.' Viserys got up drunkenly and left the celebration, he just wanted to have a good time and celebrate his son. Not all this.

"Has anyone seen the queen?"

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