33. Feels Like Home

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6 moons later

Aelsa shivered, a full-blown full-body shudder that completely betrayed her feelings on the matter. It didn't escape Harwins notice and Aelsa saw his eyes darken almost immediately, the smile on his face taking on a wicked twist. His gaze was starting a downward glide toward her chest.

"Its so fucking cold." Aelsa whimpered.

"I'll warm you up." Harwin assured his body on top of her heating her skin. She hummed into him as the boys came in.

"Mum I veto winter. Tell it to go away, I hate it." Aegon declared.

"Me too!" Aelsa agreed pulling them closer. "I dont like winter. Never did."  She wrapped an arm around Aemond as he sat beside her kissing him temple as he cuddled into her side.

"What were you boys up to?" Harwin questioned

"Word was going around that princess Helaena Targaryen has been officially engaged to Prince Jacaerys." Aegon declared dramatically.

"I still cant believe that the castle's declarations reach this far across the narrow sea." Aemond remarked.

"Should we keep going?" Aelsa questioned bring a hand to Harwins face.

Harwin wrapped the blanket around aelsa and she smiled back at him. He cuddled her on his lap for a long time, aelsa had the blanket wrapped completely around her like a comforting cocoon while he held her.

"I want this to feel like home," he whispered, as Aemond pulled the blanket hiding under it with her. Aelsa turned her face up to lay her head on his shoulder, her nose pressed into the side of his neck. He smelled so nice, woodsy and slightly spicy scent that was so distinctly him since leaving Kings landing, it was something Aelsa had gotten used to, and the thought of smelling it forever seemed like a warm, beautiful dream.

"You feel like home." Aelsa corrected kissing him again. "My boys." Aelsa reached out grabbing Aegons hand. "We can be anywhere in this big wide world and as long as I have you three Im home."

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