8. My Queen

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'Let it be known that King Viserys of House Targaryen and Aelsa of house Lannister are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.'

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed, Aelsa smiled sweetly holding onto Viserys hands, Otto hated this, so much. He was so close yet... he wasn't.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.' Viserys kept his hands on her shoulders locking eyes with her she nodded reassuringly. Viserys thought she might just be the most beautiful woman in westeros.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

"I am his and he is mine until the end of our days." Aelsa said but her gaze shifted, Harwin noticed and tried hard to keep the smug smile from his face as she locked eyes with him.

"I am hers and she is mine until the end of our days." Viserys echoed leaning forward and kissing her. the realm had a new queen and Viserys had a new wife.


Bedding ceremony. Aelsa never understood it. Besides the fact that the council was no doubt perverts. Never the less she put on a show. After all she was queen Aelsa Targaryen now.

Queen Aelsa. She was already ready. Just the excitement alone of her being the queen. The Lannister name on the throne was enough to get her body ready.

"Husband." Aelsa got to work quickly. She pulled at his pants and Viserys stood awestruck at her. She yanked his pants down around his knees pushing him back into the bed. The slip she was wearing was small thin, red and lacey. Viserys ran his hands over the fabric. She knelt before him hands trialing over his chest she felt him hardened against her. Men were so easy.

"My wife." He whispered grabbing at her hips as her dress bunched around her hips, lowering down on top of him. She whimpered out as though this was her first penetration gripping tightly to his shirt as she moved.

"Aelsa." He groaned out her head tipped back closing her eyes. He savored the arch of her back, her long blonde waves over her chest the small beads of sweat as she moved with precision. He moved her under him staring down at her perfect face. She tilted her head to kiss him.

Then he gripped her hips tightly taking control as he pushed into her slowly, completely, listening to her sharp inhale against his chest. He slide out and back in again, disappearing into her. Their hips grind together until they find a comfortable rhythm. Her moans grow stronger and deeper until she's nearly screaming. Aelsa was an actress after all, had to sell it.

He pressed into her, harder and faster, reaching for her tits. He smashed his mouth against hers, parting her lips with his tongue again, kissing her moans away.

"I'm gonna come," she lied against his mouth as he lost himself deeper inside her.

"Me too." He rasped breathlessly, she felt him stiffen, twitch inside her, felt his seed spread and whimpered again, he wasn't bad. Wasn't the best but wasn't bad but then again he liked tall dark and Harwin.

Viserys collapsed into her still inside of her. She ran a hand down his back as the council members cleared out. Tyland winked at her as he left. She tried to stuff down an eye roll. She wrapped her arms around him as he rolled off of her.

"Wow." Viserys said softly as he looked over at her. Aelsa curled into him.

"Indeed, my husband." Aelsa agreed.

"My queen."

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