9. Royalty Now

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"Ser Harwin Strong." Aelsa called out and he turned to her a smug look on his handsome bearded face.

"Your grace." He answered bowing before her, he glanced up at her and Aelsa couldn't help the smile pulling at her lips.

"I love a man that knows where his mouth should be." Aelsa remarked as she walked off. Harwin chuckled. "I have a question for you Ser Harwin.' Aelsa remarked down the hallway. "Please join me."

"Of course your grace." Harwin was quick to enter her chambers.

''You're fucking royalty now.'' Aelsa remarked pulling harwin to her. His lips suctioned down neck as his hands pulled at her dress. A little sigh escaped her lips.

'I want you.' She begged and he pulled her to him, hands slipping around her, pulling at her laces, lips trailing down her neck, her chest as her head tipped back. Any and all thoughts of Viserys and her greedy family vanished from her mind. Her dress and his clothes dropped to the ground, he took a step back admiring her for a moment before his lips went back to her.

"You like?" Aelsa questioned doing a little spin.

"My queen." He purred. Harwin picked her up she could feel him harden under her. pressing against her as his teeth bit at her chest. He leaned her against the wall, gently his hands roaming over her. Aelsa was surprised at the strength of him but she shouldn't have been. Her legs wrapped around his shoulder and Harwin's nose rubbed against her clit, his tongue plundering deep into her, touching further inside than she would have guessed he could reach. His hands on her hips were bruising her but she didn't care, it was all about the sensations now and he was making sure she felt everything. She was so high she thought she would hit her head on the ceiling. As he moved, she gripped his hair for balance. Everything he would give her once she was his. She felt like this was his moment of claiming her as his queen.

She balanced on his shoulders pressed up against the wall, heels digging into his back. The heat flushing through her from his lips on her, in her made her shiver as she was met with the wall.

He pulled his tongue out, dragging it slowly from her opening to her clit and back again, holding her still while she quivered and moaned. She felt dizzy and weak and ridiculously off balance, but his strong shoulders under her thighs and his big hands holding her hips kept her from needing to think about her position. Her eyes fluttered with concentrate on what was going on between her legs...but he made sure that was all she could think about. His mouth worked its way back to her clit, kissing and licking and teasing her with his tongue until he finally latched his lips onto her painfully swollen nub, caressing it softly with his tongue before he began sucking it, the intensity growing unbearably until he had her writhing again.

"har... Har..." she couldn't form words which was probably a good thing or else she would be screaming his name.

She let go of the wall and held onto his head with both hands, bucking against his face as the pleasure exploded in an agonizing, blinding, white hot inferno of pulsating waves that pulled her into quivering, helpless, complete bliss. Aelsa's hips jerked and her back arched and her whole body switched on, its reactions completely out of her hands, controlled only by him. And then after what seemed like an eternity of agonizing delight, she finally opened her eyes and tilted her head to look down.

His smiling face was gazing up at her from between her thighs, his mouth and chin glistening with she juices. He licked his lips and grinned.

"My, you are stunning from any angle," he said teasingly as he slipped her legs off his shoulders and gently lowered her, being careful not to scrape her back against the wall. He slid her down his body until she could unwrap her legs from around him and put her feet on the ground, but he didn't make her stand on her own yet - she couldn't, it was obvious. Her chest pounding as she gasped for breath. Fingers still gripped onto him not willing to let go.

She legs were shaking and she felt queasy and lightheaded, possibly from the wine, probably from the uterus-wrenching orgasm he'd just treated her to. She swayed against him and he wrapped his arms around her protectively.

"Be my guard. My personal guard." Aelsa said her voice still shaky as he brought her to the bed she curled into him. "I need more of you. Constantly." Aelsa declared.

"I would like that." Harwin agreed. "But you best bear the king a blonde before I put me cock in you again." Harwin suggested. "I don't want to lose my head."

"Are you saying fucking me is not worth the risk?" Aelsa mused.

"You would lose your pretty head." Harwin reminded her. "That would be a travesty."

"Let us not only fall in love, let us live life as if life is our love affair."


Aelsa approached her cousin innocently but he knew otherwise.

''You are the queen.'' tyland reminded her

''Yes.'' Aelsa agreed. ''I'm quite happy about it. Viserys is a wonderful man-''

''Why did I see ser harwin strong leaving your chambers?' Tyland hissed

''Oh.' Aelsa smiled at the mere thought of him. ''He is to be my personal guard,'' aelsa told him innocently. He stared back at her knowing his cousin was not innocent.

''Oh is he?'' Tyland countered.

''He may come and go at strange times.'' Aelsa remarked. ''He makes sure the queen is well protected... taken care of...' she added smugly. "A queen has many needs."

''Aelsa don't fuck this up.'' Tyland demanded

''I won't.' Aelsa assured 'have faith in me cousin.'

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