28. Dutiful

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Aelsa's body pinned to the wall as Harwin's hands moved with precision. At any moment, anyone could barge in on them. At any moment, literally anyone could find them. Aelsa nodded again as he kissed her, desperation churning through her.
Harwin planted his hands on either side of her body against the wall and his face angled down to her and he exhaled over her lips, making her unconsciously arch up towards him, drawn in. There was an addiction she had to Harwin and his touch.
His breath was warm as it ghosts over her, another delicate exhale, another excruciating invisible pull.

"I don't want to be back in the castle." Aelsa rasped. "I want to hide away with you forever."

"So lets hide" Harwin agreed into her mouth. His tongue darts out, flicks at her upper lip, and her head knocks back against the wall. Her hands fisting his shirt pulling him closer.

Her knuckles brush his abs, unsurprisingly rock hard and rippling. They're begging to be touched—she dove her hands up under his shirt, playing in the lines between his muscles. Slowly, so fucking slowly, he brushed his lips across her. His tongue shoots out in quick, short licks that taste her top lip, her bottom; he clamps his mouth to her and sucks her tongue into his mouth, tangling the two together. Her body arched up against him and he wrapped one hand around her waist, holding her flush to him.

His hard cock pinned between their bodies and made her pussy ache. She moaned into him needing more.

"Your moans taste so good, love," he told her and started a trail of kisses down the side of her neck, nipping and licking his way to her collarbone. The straps of her dress slid down her arm and he hooked his finger in it, tugging it harder, pulling and pulling until her breast pops out. She whimpered out as there was a knock on the door.

"To be continued" Harwin whispered.


Rhaenyra was delivering her third baby. Aelsa knew it wasnt her concern. If viserys was fine with his daughters discretions than Aelsa could remain ignorant as well.

''Keep breathing.''

Rhaenyra gasped for breath as she pushed and pushed. Her breathing rapid.

"And push."

Rhaenyra groaned out in agony.

"And again.'

"I c... I can't." Rhaenyra whined

''Push!'' the midwife demanded

''The head!'' another midwife declared kneeling between Rhaenyra's legs. Rhaenyra kept pushing, moaning and groaning in agony but it was almost done, it had to be.

''A boy, Princess.''

''Praise the Mother!'' The baby's cries rang out.

"Ahh." They placed the boy in Rhaenyra's arms, she smiled down at him, another boy. "Healthy?"

" Kicking like a goat, Princess." They assured. Rhaenyra had but a fraction of a moment before the door opened.

"A boy?" Aelsa offered peering in.

"Yes." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Oh what a blessing." She looked at the babe and wondered if Rhaenyra's husband felt a wash of pride or pain at his colorful haired children. Each a different man Aelsa assumed.

"Ah what glorious news!" Laenor declared and the look on his face was one of joy. Aelsa thought it sweet. But then again Harwin loved her boys as though they were his own. Which made Aelsa think that Laenor was a good man.

''Was it terribly painful?'' Laenor questioned.

''Oh gods.'' Rhaenyra grumbled men knew nothing of birthing pain.

"You feel like you are being ripped apart." Aelsa agreed. "But then you get a bundle of joy and the pain is worth it." Rhaenyra smiled softly back at her as Aelsa touched the babes little toes. "I congratulate you both." Aelsa offered Sincerely. "But I should best take my leave I suppose give you to some time to bond with your new bundle of joy."

"Thank you your grace." Rhaenyra remarked.

''I took a lance through the shoulder once.'' Laenor remarked.

"My deepest sympathies." Rhaenyra hissed. Aelsa pat his arm as she headed out.


''And he sees a big, scary dragon! Mother... look. We chose an egg for the baby.''

''Ahh. That looks like the perfect one.'' Rhaenyra agreed looking down at her two boys... there was shame and pride in her boys. She wondered if their fathers every wondered if they were the true parent or just assumed she bedded everyone.

''I let Luke choose.'' Jacaerys remarked.

''Thank you, Jace.'' Lucerys answered

"I found a bug for Helaena, its... strange but she likes strange." Jace remarked.

"She certainly does." Harwin agreed. ''Not every day an egg leaves the Dragon pit, Princess. I thought it best to escort the lads.'' Harwin remarked.

''Laenor and I thank you, Commander.' Rhaenyra said softly. She hadnt gotten to know Harwin well but he was a dutiful guard of the queen and protected the children with honor. He seemed a good influence on the capital.

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