Chapter 9

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I was beyond shock as I entered my dorm. Did I just gave him a freaking KISS. Holy smokes. What the hell was I thinking. What is wrong with me God. Now he's gonna think I one of those people who kiss on first date. I'M SCREWED.

"Unnie you're back" Said lisa as she saw me coming in.
"Rosie Unnie Jennie Unnie come out jisoo Unnie ia back" Lisa shouted and the two came out of their dens.

"Oh Unnie, how was the date" Asked Rosie as she came bouncing like a spring.

"Yes Unnie tell us all about it" Lisa asked with eyes sparkling more than stars or dalgom when he needs attention or treats. LOL.

"It was good." I tried to play cool.

"Just good!!! We want deets unnie" Rosie said

"I'm not sharing any 'deets' with you. That's private."

"Jebal unnie. Not all the details just tell us what you both talked about" Lisa said with sad face and shiny eyes.

"Okay okay just don't look at me like that makes me feel guilty" I said

"Always works" She said and laughed.

Then I told them about the night. From on the way to Dinner to reaching home.

"Waa Unnie you guys really connected. That's what people do on their first date they try to get comfortable and connect with each other and seems like you guys did it" Rosè said and I smiled.
We really did connected. I could feel that.

"Wait that's it?" Lisa said

"Yeah that's it" I told her of course I missed out that kiss disaster.

"No that can't be, I saw you were red when you entered and it was no blushing red it was embarrassed red. Unnie what is that you're not telling us?" Lisa suspected. Man that girl is detective.

"Nothing" I lied

"UNNIE" Lisa came closer

"Okay okay fine I did something bad I think" I finally said.

"SPILL" they three said.

"So as we reached here, we got out and I asked him if he's free on weekend because I want to take him some where and he said yes he is and would love to come. Hearing that I got excited and hugged him.. and... and gave him a k.. Kiss on the cheek and now I know he must be thinking I'm one of those people who kiss on their first date"I told them in breathe.

The girls didn't said anything. There was a 15 seconds silence and suddenly Lisa and Rosè started laughing like really loudly I think Lisa was howling too and jen was just starting at my face which was super confusing.

"Unnie" Said Rosie in between laughter.

"Yaa Hajima. Stop laughing you're embarrassing me"I told them but failed.

After a good few minutes their laughter died and Rosie said "Unnie that was just a polite and harmless cheek kiss. It's not like you guys did a hardcore make out sesh. It's okay"

"Yes Unnie stop overthinking. I bet Taehyung oppa didn't even thought too much about it." Lisa assured me.

"You guys sure"
"Jen aren't you gonna say something" I asked jen
"Unnie it was just a good night kiss like you give us nothing more. Chill" She said

"Okay! Well I'm going to change and go to sleep"
"Good night unnie" Rose and jennie said
"Try to dream about Taehyung oppa" Lisa said and laughed

It really was one of the best evenings of my life. I thought and marked today's date on my phone calendar as "Our First Date" And smiled.


Everybody left for bed except Jennie she was still sitting in the lobby and was thinking about the perfect date that jisoo described. The kinda date she always wanted.

She was sad and jealous. 'They connected' jennie thought. 'They talked about their families and had fun'. The thought of Jisoo and Tae alone made her sad but how they enjoyed each other's company made the situation worse.

'I guess you really are over me Taehyung' with this thought she went to her room and for the first time in long time she cried herself to sleep.

Hola everyone. Surprise two chapters in one day.. Woaahh.... Well we got to know Jennie's reaction what do you think.. Is she over reacting or not... Don't forget to give this chapter a heart ... xoxo

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