Chapter 20

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All the way back home only one person was there in jisoo's mind Taeyong. It was crazy how just thinking about him made her feel relaxed and happy. She thought of calling him but she was nervous. She knew that he saw the show and he would know that the song was for him as he wasn't dumb. Man's a fantastic song writter and intellectual person. 'But what would I say to him' jisoo asked herself. 'Let's just go with the flow' she thought and took out her phone to call him.

She was about to press call when suddenly her door bell rang. 'Who could that be?' She thought and went to open it. As soon as she opened the door she was shocked. It wasn't someone she ever expected to be on her doorstep. "What are you doing here? Taehyung?"
Taehyung was fuming with anger. He didn't even know what was he gonna say to her until he reached her doorstep and then the reality hit him. He had actually never been to her place, he only saw it when she purchased it. Yes, she purchased it when they were together. He knew how instantly she fell in love with the place as soon as she saw it. Initially it was going to be there place as they had decided at that time to move in together but sometimes plans remains as plans.

"What are you doing here taehyung?" Jisoo asked him but clear shocked expression.

"What the hell jisoo" He said to her.

"Excuse me?" Now she was completely confused. He came in without even bothering to ask her permission.

"What the hell did you said on that show!" He asked her.

'So he saw the show' jisoo thought.

"Does Jennie know you are here?" She asked calmly. She knew losing temper on him wasn't worth it. It would just give her headache.

"Do not change the topic. I asked you what the hell did you said in the show!" He said taking a step towards her.

"I assume you saw the show. So I think you do know what I said"

"You were never in love? I didn't knew you could lie this well" He said in low but harsh voice.

"I learned from the best" Jisoo replied and pointed at him. "And yes I lied because I didn't wanted the world to know how pathetic and stupid I was to fall in love with a person who did nothing but lied to me from the day one" Jisoo answered raising her voice.

"I didn't lied to you jisoo. Yes I did fucked up I know that but I didn't lied"

"You know Taehyung if there was an award for the best liar and manipulator in the industry I bet you would have won."

Taehyung's anger was on fire now. He took a step towards her and captured her in between his arms.

"Taehyung leave me" Jisoo said as she tried to escape from his grip but in response his grip on grew tighter.

This was the very first time in almost a year when they were so close to each other. After so long Taehyung saw those eyes once again. He searched for love in those eyes again but all he could find was hatred and anger.

He came closer to her and asked "Who was that man you had lunch with a few days back?"

"What the hell are you saying? And if there was a man why in the bloody world would I tell you" Jisoo replied as she stared into his eyes.

"Don't test my patience jisoo. I know you went to lunch in xxxx restaurant a few days back with a man. Is he the same person with whom you are moving on as you hinted in your song today hmm. Tell me jisoo" He asked her in low growl voice.

That voice sent shivers to her spine. The hair on the back of her neck stood up with that sensation.

"Why the hell you care. You've got your girlfriend. And whether I go out with a man or not is none of your business. You've lost the right to say something about my life. But for your curiosity. Yes I went to lunch date with a guy and yes I'll be moving on in her in my life with him or some other guy. Happy to hear. Huh now leave me" Jisoo replied and pushed him away from her.

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