Epilogue #1

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5 years later

Jisoo's pov

"Jennie would you please decide on the flower decorations you want. You've been skipping that for months. Hurry up and tell me now. I have an appointment after this. I don't want to be late" I asked Jennie sitting right in front of me in my favorite cafe.

"Unnie I can't decide. Kai wants peonies and I want white water lilies. You tell me what should I pick" Jennie pouted from the other side. I know wedding preps can be difficult, I mean I had mine too but your best friend's marriage preps are way more stressful than your own. Trust me. That also when wedding is in just 1 month. Sometimes I think jennie is the bride but somehow I'm the one turing into bridezilla.

"Okay how about this. We mix. Half peonies and half white water lilies" Hopefully she will like this now. It's been exhausting to be honest. Whatever Lisa, rosè Or I would suggest her she won't like it and after few days would come around and pick our choice. She's really confused.

"Why didn't I thought about it earlier. See unnie that's why I chose you as my maid of honor" She showed her bunny teeth to please me.

"I'm your maid of honor because you were mine"

"Yaa unnie. That hurts" She said clenched her heart in a filmy way.

Deciding Jennie's maid of honor was a task. Lisa wanted to her maid of honor as according her she's the maknae and rosè also wanted to be the maid of honor because she said she's the older one. I was enjoying the show it was fun but ultimately jennie decided I was going to her maid of honor and Lisa and rosè would be each other's.

Rosè and Chanyeol has been together for almost 7 years now and she also got engaged last month. Chanyeol went to Australia with her to spend thanksgiving there with her family and got on one knee in front of the family and she of course cried as she's Rosanne park she will cry and said yes. And as for Lisa, she and jhonny broke up 3 years back. It was mutual and they still are good friends. They literally had the smoothest and no drama breakup. She's now with Actor Park Bo Gum and really happy.

"Okay okay stop. Now let's see. Flowers done. Catering done. Seating arrangements done. Dresses fitting done. Groom's tux done. Now only thing is left is your bouquet that you would carry. What you like lilies or roses"

"How about white peonies. Kai loves peonies and I know he'd be happy" Jen said in a voice filled with love.

Kai and Jennie have been engaged for a year now and were dating for 3 years before he popped the question. I've seen jennie through alot of phases in her life but this by far is her best phase. After Taehyung and jennie broke up, she build walls around her heart so high that I thought no one would be able to go through it. But at our wedding jennie was the maid of honor and Kai was one of the grooms men, and from there kai started approaching her. Jennie was like I imagined tough and a bit rude to him, at one point I even felt bad for kai but that man didn't gave up, he never stopped asking her out and one day she gave up and agreed for just one date and fast forward to today they are getting married in a months and I've never seen jen this happy and dare I say she deserves all this and much more.

"Unnie what happened" Jennie shaked me.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking about how beautiful you'll look in the dress"

"I hope so unnie. I really do. I love the dress. And you know kai hasn't seen it. He said I want to be surprised. So I'm nervous what if he doesn't like it" I could sense she was nervous. She's been nervous alot these couple of days.

"Jen I know he would love it. So dont you worry. I .. " I was about to say something when my phone rang.
"It's taeyong. Excuse me"

"Hii baby" I said to him.

"Hey sunshine. How are you feeling" Taeyong has been nothing but like a blessing to me for the past 5 years in our marriage. Our marriage wasn't like high profile marriage. We kept it very low. Just his family and mine plus few close friends. We got married in his hometown. It's was very beautiful. And now after 5 years here we are. Our love didn't perished with time but it only grew stronger with the passing days.

"I'm good. I've an appointment at 3"

"Okay I'll be there. Do you want me to bring something"

"No I'm at the coffee shop with Jennie so I'll have my lunch here. Did you have yours? Or you skipping again" I asked in a serious tone.

"Of course sunshine I had with boys. Okay I've to rush now. I'll meet at the clinic. I love you"

"I love you too" I said and hung up.

Life has nothing but unpredictable to me lately. With our group getting success even after so many years (yes we always renewed our contract), my solo career as an idol and actress I've had pretty good time of my life but everyday I do ask myself "where could he be right now?" I talked to Taehyung five years back when he left the country. I tried to contact him again to invite him but he kind of vanished from our lives. I asked his group where he could be but they also didn't knew where he went. Sometimes I just think that one day he might come from nowhere and stand in front of me with his boxy smile and beautiful eyes. I wonder what would I say or react when that'll happen.

I thought to myself and smiled. Just then when I was about to go back to jen I saw a figure probably a man coming into the cafe. At first I wasn't able to figure out who he was but somehow it feels like I know him and that's when I saw him. All my questions, my thoughts all were in front of me. He was in front of me. I was looking into that beautiful eyes. But the smile wasn't there. He looks just as I remembered him. He looked at me with those soft eyes. His gaze slowly went down to my 6 months pregnant belly. And he smiled.

"Hey jisoo. Missed me?" Taehyung said. And for some reason instead of answering him, my feet started moving and stopped in front of him and I don't why I just hugged him.

Sooooo the epilogue is here. I know this is short I was first thinking to add Taehyung's pov here but then I thought my man deserves his own epilogue. I'd try to show the past 5 years of his life and why he came back now. So stay tuned love

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