Chapter 1:

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The Avengers had been called to a meeting by Nick Fury.

Everyone was sat in the conference room at SHIELD HQ and as usual no one knew what was going on or what to expect.

Fury walked in with a straight face but sent a tiny glare at Tony Stark.

"Why doesn't he glare at anyone else?" Tony asked in a whinny voice.

Fury laughed half heartedly. "Because Stark you annoy me the most," He told him honestly the cleared his throat. "We have a situation, involving this 14 year old girl."

In the middle of the table a holographic video played of a girl fighting with some security guys at a bank in England. The girl was petite, blonde hair, blue eyes, she wore shorts, long sleeve grey top, brown leather jacket and brown combat boots.

"Who is she?" Steve asked and looked at Fury.

Fury thought for a moment. "Her name is Brooke, she was an Agent for SHIELD four years ago," He explained. "She was one of the best, she is much stronger than she looks and she has incredible agility."

"So what do you want us to do?" Clint asked curiously.

"I don't want you to kill her, all she has done really is help people," Fury told them. "All you need to do is find her and bring her here so we can keep her safe, others are after her and this is the safest place for her."

"Why is she so special?" Tony asked.

"Her DNA is very important and she herself was a miracle, she shouldn't be alive," Fury told him. "We've had a tip off, she is currently hiding in an abandoned theatre in Birmingham, you will leave in an hour. Meeting closed."

Fury quickly left and went to his office where Hill was.

He completely ignored her, knowing exactly what she was going to say to him. He went on his computer and began sorting things out.

"Did you tell him?" Hill asked, Fury's silence gave her the answer she really didn't want. "Sir with all due respect Captain Rogers has a right to know about Brooke, she is his daughter and they share the same skills and abilities."

Fury glared at Hill. "Rogers is not ready to find out his 14 year old daughter was created by Hydra then kidnapped by SHIELD and turned into an Agent," He growled. "Rogers doesn't completely trust us and we need him to!"

"I hope you know what you're doing, when Steve finds out he will not be happy," Hill said quietly and left the office.


"JARVIS get me SHIELD files on Agent Brooke," Tony told his AI and began using the computer.

"Sir I have found that Agent Brooke was created by Hydra 14 years ago, at the age of 6 Agent Brooke was kidnapped by SHIELD and trained to be an Agent. Brooke escaped four years ago," JARVIS told him.

Tony shook his head. "Yeah Jay I need stuff on her DNA, parents, family give me something," He demanded.

Tony wasn't a big fan of Fury or his secrets. Fury couldn't be trusted and Tony wanted more information before he went off running after a child!

"Sir there is no record of a Mother but she is the biological Daughter of Captain Steve Rogers," JARVIS told him.

Tony froze. "What?" He asked in disbelief. "Bring up their DNA's!"

Two holograms appeared in the middle of the room and both were very, very similar.

"JARVIS are you sure about this?" Tony asked, his eyes fixed on the two DNA's.

"I am certain," JARVIS confirmed.

"So her full name is Brooke Rogers," Tony mumbled to himself.

This new information made Tony stop and think, this girl this child was powerful, well if she truly was anything like her father. The man of iron ran his hands through his hair, Steve doesn't know and most likely will never know!

"JARVIS don't tell anyone about this not even Banner, this has to be kept under lock and key," Tony told him and cleared the hologram.

"Yes Sir!"

Tony left the lab to get suited up; He was going to have to make sure Steve didn't do something he may regret to Brooke. To Steve the kid was just an Agent so all he had to do was knock her out...

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