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After years of running, years of fighting, years of hiding.

Jax Barnes and Brooke Rogers were finally happy, they were finally home with their Fathers and Mothers. Fury kept his promise and trained Annabella and Lilly to be Agents and in the words of Brooke Rogers, they were 'Bad ass, ass kickers'. Jax and Brooke saw their Mother's often and even went on mission's with them... They were so alike and they made a great team.

By the time the two teens were twenty they're brother and sister love for each other only grew stronger and soon they both meant more to each other. While on a mission Jax thought Brooke had been killed when he pulled her out of some wreck, he cried as he held her lifeless body in his arms then gently pressed a soft kiss to her lips startling her and waking her up... From their they were together to the end of the line.

A few years went by after that and Jax decided to ask Brooke to Marry him, of course Brooke had said yes and Fury married them on top of the new Avengers building. Steve had shed a few tears seeing the once young troubled teen, happy in the arms of her best friend and life partner...

Soon enough Brooke and Jax were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl; Jamie and Stephanie Barnes. Both children named after Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes- As you can imagine the Super soldier and the Winter soldier grew more and more protective as their grandchildren grew!

Brooke and Jax were finally happy, no more tests, no more punishments, no more pain... They just keep on growing stronger, using that strength to protect their family!


Thank you all for reading this story!

I never thought I'd get a single view so thank you for giving me a chance!

Please feel free to check out my other stories on my page. :)

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