Chapter 5:

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I slowly woke up in a bed? My eyes adjusted to the dim lit room I was in, I sat up and looked around, the place looked a little (really) run down, a dirty blanket covered me, my jacket and weapons were on the chair next to me...

I slowly got up, grabbed my gun and walked out the door, I went into what looked like the living room where The Winter Soldier was sitting looking out the window.

"It's not nice to point guns at people, who save your life," He told me quietly and slowly turned round.

"I'm sorry," I told him and threw the gun on the table. "Thank you for saving my life."

He nodded. "I knew the blonde man with the shield," He stated with a look of confusion. "S-Steve Rogers, we were friends."

I nodded. "Yeah you were, back in World War 2," I told him.

"You were in the same lab I was in a few years ago, you were a child," He told me. "Brooklyn, isn't it?"

I smiled softly. "Brooke, Brooke Rogers," I corrected him. "My Dad is Steve Rogers."

"You're S-Steve's daughter?" He asked in confusion and rubbed his metal arm.

I nodded slowly. "I only found out a few days ago," I mumbled.

"I'm Bucky by the way, Bucky Barnes," He said softly. "I- I remember who I am now."

I stood next to him and looked at his metal arm; What did Hydra do to him exactly?

"Where are we?" I asked and looked out the window.

"Some place safe," He told me "Some Russian's are trying to hunt us down."

I turned to look at him. "What?" I asked in shock.

"Russian's want to experiment on us. After what Hydra did to us they want to know the secret to why we are what we are," He explained. "And use us as there own weapons."

I frowned. "What about Steve... and Jax?" I asked. Ain't they like us?

He frowned. "Who is Jax?" He asked in confusion.

"Jax was the boy you were firing at and..." I trailed off- Do I tell him?

"And what?" He asked.

"Jax Bucanan Barnes," I told him. "He was also made by Hydra from your DNA."

Bucky sighed. "Oh," He muttered... That's it? I told him he has a son and all he says is 'oh'? "The Russians aren't after them any way."

Bucky went off in to the kitchen and opened the fridge- He can't say all that a stop the conversation!

I followed him. "So the Russians are only after us?" I asked.

"Yes," He confirmed.

"Why?" I asked- This guy likes his secrets.

Bucky shut the fridge and handed me a can of coke. "We were the best things they created, we were made to be killers," He explained. "We are good at fighting, we are good at killing that's why the Russians want us."

I leaned on the side on the kitchen counter. I'm not a killer, I don't want to be a killer!

"Why don't you trust SHIELD?" I asked not looking at him.

He stood in front of me and tilted my head up wards to look him in the eyes. "The same reason as you," He stated. "I'm scared they will do tests on me, I'm scared they'll turn on me."

Bucky turned and went into the living room sitting on the sofa sipping his drink.

I stood in the door way watching him, what are we doing hiding, planning on running off, what?

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