Chapter 21:

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Brookes POV

I stood next to Jax looking at the two women in shock, Rex stood on my other side growling. I looked at Dad and Bucky then back to the two women.

"Look at you, I haven't seen you since you were two years old," The brunette told us.

"Stand down!" Dad barked. "And get the hell away from my daughter!"

"We didn't come here to fight," The brunette told us.

I frowned and pushed pasted Jax. "So blowing a giant hole in the wall doesn't mean anything?" I asked them.

"You'd think we were insane if we stopped you in the street," The blonde spoke up.

"Yeah well you're not taking us anywhere for no reason and no proof that you two are our 'Mothers'," Jax told the sternly.

The two women looked at us, sadness in their eyes...

"You heard the kids," Tony spoke up. "They're not going anywhere and they're not doing anything for you unless you prove you are who you say you are!"

The two women nodded at each other and began to unarm themselves, they began throwing their guns, grenades, knives, everything then they put their hands up in surrender. Sam, Tony, Clint and Natasha cuffed them and dragged them out the room...

"You kids okay?" Bucky asked as he came over to us.

Dad came over to me. "Are you hurt?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I'm fine," I told him.

Tony came back in and looked at me and Jax. "You two wanna do this DNA test now?" He asked.

Jax looked at me and I nodded. "You got it iron ass!" He told him.

Jax, Bucky, Dad and I followed Tony to the lab where Bruce was waiting for us. Jax and I sat on the table and we let Bruce take our blood, we didn't flinch when the needle went in our arm... We're used to it.

"How long until we get results?" Bucky asked.

"A few minutes," Bruce told us.

"Do you two recognise them?" Bucky asked us.

"I don't," Jax told him.

I shook my head. "No," I told him.

Dad wasn't looking at us, his attention was focused on the monitor waiting for the results.

"Relax Cap we're not going anywhere, they can't take us even if they try we'll fight back," Jax told Dad but he said nothing in return.

"I need some air," I announced.

"Brooke I want you here," Dad spoke up but didn't look at me.

"No thanks," I mumbled and slid off the table.

"Brooke that's an order!" Dad shouted.

"I'm not a solider!" I raised my voice. "You're clearly upset and so are we!"

"We need to stay in here!" He told me.

"You know what Dad, it doesn't matter to me if they are our Moms or not," I told him. "I'd never go anywhere with them, I'm happy here, with you!"

"Brooke please just listen, we need to stay calm and go through this together," He told me.

"Dad just face it, you're scared I'll leave!" I snapped.


The Monitor beeped.

Bruce went over to the monitor and began typing and clicking away...

"The blonde, Annabella Davis, London MI9 Agent went missing nineteen years ago on a mission in Russia," Bruce told us. "She's Jax's biologically Mother."

Jax looked at the Annabella's photo and nodded. "Thank you Bruce," He said quietly.

Bruce nodded. "The brunette, Lilly Mason, Australian, moved to America at the age of nine and joined the military at the age of sixteen, she lied her way in and eighteen years ago she went missing on a mission to Russia." Bruce told us. "She's Brooke's biological Mother."

I stood there looking at the photo of Lilly in her army uniform. "Great, good, thanks," I told Bruce.

"Brooke lets go!" Jax spoke up and grabbed my arm pulling me out the door. "Were going to just let this sink in."

Dad was about to protest but Bucky put his hand on his shoulder. "Let them go, they need a little time," Bucky told him.

Jax and I walked down the corridor, he handed me a gun then pulled another one out.

"Come on we both think alike," Jax stated. "I want answers and so do you!"

I laughed lightly; We are too alike!

Together we walked to the cells Tony installed a while back in case we had unwanted quests and SHIELD was slow in getting here. We went down the stairs and we made our way past the cells... At the bottom was the last two cells facing each other that held Annabella and Lilly. Jax stood in front of Annabella and I stood in front of Lilly.

"You guys want answers," Annabella stated. "Okay I assume you know how you were created more or less, right?"

"Yes," Jax told her.

"I carried you for nine months, Lilly carried you Brooke for eight months and we nursed you, took care of you, loved you until you were two years old," Annabella told us. "We had no choice."

"You were taken away from us," Lilly spoke up and looked at me. "Brooke I was holding you in my arms, they came in and took you, I heard your cries, your screams as they carried you away. They kept us apart for years, we saw you again when you were six and you didn't recognise us."

"We stayed as agents until three years ago, we escaped and started searching for you," Annabella told us. "You two are very hard people to track down."

Jax and I shared a laugh. "We always wondered, who you guys were," Jax spoke up. "If you guys get let free we're not going anywhere with you."

"What?" Annabella asked.

"This is our home!" I told them.

"We respect that, really we do put we wanna get to know you two again, it's been years since we last saw you," Lilly told us.

"You guys are on the run," Jax stated. "You committed crimes, you're trying to hide and you want us to come with you?"


The doors at the top of the corridor opened.

"We are so died," I stated.

"Brooke Rogers get the hell away from those women now!" Dad raised his voice.

"We were just talking," Lilly told him.

Dad glared at her. "I don't care!" He growled. "Brooke we need to talk, can you go to your room please."

I looked at him dead in the eye, he looked sad, frustrated... What's happened?

"Jax come on," Bucky told Jax and they both left.

"Brooke please," Dad begged. "We'll talk I promise, just go."

I nodded and walked away, I went up stairs and took the elevator up to my room. I opened the door and saw Rex lying on my bed. I jumped on my bed and lay next to him, gently patting his back. I lay there for what felt like hours until my door opened then closed again, I turned my head to see Dad sit on the bed.

"They've gotta go," Dad told me softly and I sighed. "They're criminals Brooke, I know they are yours and Jax's Mom's but we can't ignore what they've done."

I sat up. "Jax and I have committed crimes," I pointed out. "Can't they have a second chance?"

"You and Jax were different," He pointed out. "Fury's coming soon and he's going to collect them."

I looked down; I felt weird, I was happy I found my Mom, upset she was going to be taken away and just angry... I wish my life wasn't this complicated.

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