Chapter 6:

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I covered my mouth with my hands as my eyes went wide... BUCKY!

I had to do something!

I slid from under the bed, grabbed my knife sticking it in my pocket and held my gun tightly in my hand... I stood next to the door way and listened carefully.

Slow foot steps were approaching me. I slowly breathed out and calmed down, I stepped in the hall way and came face to face with a guy dressed in black, and a wound in his arm.

I kicked him in the stomach making him stumble backwards, I kicked him the face then where the sun doesn't shine, I tackled in to the floor and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

My heart was racing and I was shaking- It had been a long time since I'd had to do that!

"Bucky!" I whispered and went to the door. Bucky lay on the floor knocked out, I pulled a needle out of his neck; They must have known he'd answer the door!

I ran into the kitchen got a glass of water and poured it on his face. I tapped the sides of his face. "Bucky? Bucky wake up, come on Bucky!" I shouted.

Bucky's eyes shot open and he bolted up panting. "W-What the- Are you alright, what happened?" He asked in a panic.

"I'm fine, the guy that came in his in the hall way knocked out," I told him.

Bucky nodded and stood up. "Pack a bag full of clothes and food, pack for all kinds of weather," He told me and went to the hall.

I quickly followed him. "Why, where are we going to go?" I asked as I watched Bucky drag the unconscious man to the living room.

Bucky sighed and pulled up a chair. "The Russians know where we are now, we have to go somewhere else," He explained then lifted the guy onto the chair. When Bucky saw me just standing there he sighed. "Brooke, do as I say!"

Without another word and went to the bed room and pulled out a bag I found in the wardrobe. I grabbed a bunch of clothes and stuffed them in the bag, I made sure I packed for all types of weathers; Who knows where we're going!

I pulled on my jacket, and packed my ammo.

When I went back into the living room, our intruder was tied to a chair with a sock in his mouth...

Bucky walked out of another room with another bag that looked half full. He went to the kitchen and began packing food.

"You might want to grab as much food as you can, who knows where our next meal will come from," Bucky told me and threw me a can of beans.

I put the can in my bag and joined him in the kitchen. I packed all kinds of food, my bag was over flowing by the time we were ready to go; It's a good job I'm strong!

"Check your room make sure you didn't leave anything," Bucky told me.

I sighed and went back into the room. It wasn't any different, nothing was mine. Then I had an idea... A plan, that only Jax would understand!

I pulled out my knife and carved a star at the bottom of the door, Jax will know, he'll know what to look for!

"Brooke let's go!" Bucky called.

I bet he thinks he's my Dad!

He likes to boss me around a lot!

I went into the living room and saw him in sunglasses, a cap and clothes he did not look right in!

I giggled. "You look awful!" I told him with a smile.

Bucky shook his head. "Put these on and go out the back way so they don't suspect us," He explained and handed me sunglasses, a beanie and eye liner? "Put that on, you'll look different with make up on."

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