Chapter 14:

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Both Brooke and I were sat in the living room at our Apartment; We hadn't exactly been talking since the incident at the warehouse and lets just say Fury wasn't too pleased about Brooke being there and has decided that every time I go on a mission she has to stay with another Avenger.

"Carry on glaring at me Brooke, bullets just might pop out your eyes," I told her and carried on reading the paper.

Brooke huffed. "I'm being grounded enough, why can't we go to the park?" She asked. "Rex and I have been stuck in here for ages!"

I rolled my eyes. "Brooke you've been here for an hour," I told her. "If you remember you snuck out."

"Prick," She mumble.

"Brooke carry on and you'll be in here for the rest of your life!" I snapped.

This was driving me up the wall, I really didn't like this arguing and cussing. I looked over at Brooke and saw her drawing, she would glance at Rex and draw a little, the concentration on her face was very sweet, she stuck her tongue out slightly as she shaded; I felt bad for snapping at her.


I frowned and looked at the door then back at Brooke. "You expecting anyone?" I asked her.

"I have no friends so it's not for me," She told me and stood up.

"Stay here," I told her.

As I went towards the door I glanced at the clock- 10:30pm who would come her this late?

I peeped through the peep hole and saw Bucky with Jax, I opened the door and saw the two holding two bags each.

"Hey Steve, we have a little problem," Bucky began. "Our apartment building has got a flood and we've had to evacuate, we can't get a hold of SHIELD so is it okay if we crash here?"

I nodded. "Sure, stay as long as you need," I told him. "I don't really have any spear rooms but I can bunk with Brooke and you two can have my room."

"No we'll take the sofa's," Jax told me. "We'll be fine."

"Good, glad that's sorted," Brooke spoke up. "I'm going to bed, come on Rex."

The three of us watched as Brooke went into her room followed by Rex. I huffed; I'm going to have to sort things out with her.

"Right I'm needed at SHIELD tomorrow, there are spare blankets in that cupboard and I'm in that room over there," I told them see you in the morning.


- Dream -

I was running, running through a dimly lit corridor with a girl, a pretty blonde girl about my age.

"Bucks come on!" She told me; She called me by my nickname. "HURRY!"

We ran round a corner and hid, we both pulled out our guns and loaded them up. The girl smiled at me and nodded, we both rolled out from behind the corner and we started firing at a bunch of men in suits holding guns.

"In coming!" I told her and pulled out a grenade.

I pulled the pin and threw it at the group of guys, I wrapped my arms around the girl to protect her from the explosion. I felt like I needed to protect her, I didn't know who she was but I felt like I knew her, I felt like she was some how part of me.


A gun shot was fired and I heard the girl gasp, I turned her round and got a good look at her face; It was Steve's daughter Brooke but she looked younger?

"J- Jax," She stuttered and held her arm.

Blood seeped through her fingers and down her arm, I quickly removed my shirt and wrapped it around her arm. "It's okay, your going to be okay," I told her.

Brooke smiled. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened," She told me.

"I'm with you," I told her. "I'll always be with you!"

"Till the end of the line!" She breathed out then went limp in m arms...

My vision blurred...


I bolted up right on the sofa; I was breathing heavily, I was sweating and my heart was pounding. These dreams, these damn dreams all about this girl, that girl, Brooke Rogers but why?

I got off the sofa and went into the kitchen, I picked up a glass that was in the sink and rinsed it out, filled it with some water and sipped it trying to calm myself.

"You alright?" A voice asked. I shot round and saw Brooke standing behind me. "Wow chill out, It's Brooke, I'm not going to hurt you!"

Oh God she did look just like the girl from my dreams; they had to be the same person but how, I've never seen her before now.

"You may wanna go back to sleep, you look a little uneasy," She told me.

I looked her up and down, she was in skinny jeans, top, combat boots and leather jacket. "Where are you going?" I asked her.

I seemed to think about her answer for a while. "A walk," She told me.

I couldn't help but smirk. "No your not," I told her. "Come on I won't tell!"

I she huffed. "Fine I'm going roof jumping," She told me.

I frowned and thought for a moment; The girl in my dreams liked to roof jump. "Can I come?" I asked. "I have pretty good agility and stamina."

Brooke seemed to really think about an answer. "Fine, get dressed and meet me outside," She told me and walked outside.

I quickly threw on some jeans, a t- shirt, combat boots and my leather jacket. I raced outside the door, down the corridor and outside the building where Brooke was.

"I'm ready," I told her.

She nodded. "Follow me," She told me.

I followed her down the road to a long street full of houses, Brooke went up a fire escape, I quickly followed her up onto the roof and we both looked at the roof tops in front of us, I couldn't help but smile.

"Try to keep up," She told me as she stretched her legs.

I chuckled and did the same. "Same to you," I told her making her smile a little.

"You ready?" She asked.

I nodded. "I'm with you," I told her; I was really hoping she'd finish the line.

Brooke looked at me with sad eyes. "Good," She told me.

She wanted to say it she was going to say, why didn't she? I could see it in her eyes she recognised it!

Brooke ran forward and jumped over the edge landing on the next roof, I ran after her and jumped off the edge lightly, we both ran side by side, we jumped in sync and landed in sync. I felt like I'd done this with her before. The wind made her blonde hair fly behind her like a cap, her movements were quiet and stealth like, she was incredible and I swear on my life I knew her, I must know her more then I think for me to dream about her before I've even officially met her.

I really need to see Fury; That's if my Dad doesn't find out what I'm doing now...

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