Chapter 20:

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Brookes POV

"On your left!" Dad said as he ran past Sam.

I laughed. "On your right!" I said as I ran past him.


Rex barked as he ran past him.

"This is getting way too old!" Sam shouted as we ran away.

"No it isn't!" Dad shouted back.

Yeah this had sort of been my life for the past few weeks. I still did little missions for SHIELD but nothing stupidly dangerous, I just needed to do stuff to get my mind off my problem but it's hard to run away from someone you've known since day one.

The three of us stopped at a little café for some breakfast; I enjoyed this life though, Dad and I did normal things like going to baseball games, we go the movies, go on runs, we even go to the beach.

"Stop feeding Rex the bacon," Dad told me.

"His eyes are making me!" I told him and quickly threw a piece of bacon on the floor.

He sighed. "Brooke eat your food," He told me. "I forgot to tell you Stark has invited us to a little get together at the tower."

I groaned. "It won't be a little get together," I stated quietly.

"I know but it's not fair if I leave you on your own," He told me. "You might have fun."

"I doubt it," I mumbled. "What if Jax is there?"

"I doesn't matter," He told me. "Everything will be alright!"

When we got back home I had to find something to wear; I decided on my jeans, crop top, leather and boots. I packed them in my little back- pack and we headed to Stark Tower in a jet, I was silent the whole journey but I had Rex with me so hopefully I wasn't going to be really bored!

Tony had set up rooms for Dad and I. I was sitting on my bed watching some funny cartoons with Rex lying next to me...


I looked at the door and saw Natasha in the door way.

"Your Dad told me what you were wearing tonight and there is no way in hell you are wearing it!" Natasha told me and crossed her arms. "Come on were going shopping!"

I groaned. "Why?" I asked. "No one is going to take much notice of me anyway!"

"Brooke come on, we're leaving!" She told me and held the door open.

I groaned and stood up. "Rex guard the place and if I'm not back within two hours... I may have been killed or I'm locked in a shop!" I told him and followed Natasha out.

This day couldn't be smooth and easy could it?

If there is a god out there then he hates my guts and is punishing me for every bad thing I have ever done!

Natasha led me into the garage and we got into her car: Which may I add is freaking amazing and just screams badass. We drove into town and we stopped outside a posh dress store... Odin beam me outta here!

Natasha picked out and load of dresses, handed them to me and pushed me into the changing room. Some of the dresses were to tight, too short, too long, itchy, ugly and just horrible, I looked at the dresses I hadn't tried on and saw a white one... I took it off the coat hanger and tried it on. I like it!

"I like this one," I told Natasha as I pulled the curtain back.

Natasha looked at me and smiled. "That one suits you!" She told me.

I smiled and looked at my reflection; Maybe tonight wasn't going to be so bad...

A few hours later I was in Natasha's room (Against my will), she had done my make up and hair. I like how I looked without make up but I felt more confident with make up on. The party had already started but I went upstairs and got Rex, we walked side by side through the corridors to the top of the tower.

I took a breath and opened the doors. Some people were staring at me, some were smiling widely at me. I smiled nervously and walked around trying to act normal?

"Is that Brooke?" I heard someone ask.
I felt Rex lick my hand like he was trying to comfort me. "Brooke over here!" I heard Sam shout. I rushed over to him and he pulled me into a hug. "You look great!"

"It's weird not seeing you in boots and jeans," Dad told me. "You look lovely."

I smiled. "It was all thanks to Natasha," I told him.

"Come on, I'll give you a game of pool!" Sam told me and handed me the cue.

Sam set up the balls and we started to play, Dad and Rex watched us. We were laughing and joking around, I was having fun and I was actually enjoying this!

In the corner of my eye I could see Jax sitting at the bar. Alone.

Once the game finished I pulled all my courage together and went over to the bar with Rex, I sat on the stool next to him.

Jax gave me a sad look. "You look tired," He told me.

I looked over his features. "So do you," I told him quietly.

Jax sighed softly. "Nightmares?" He asked.

I nodded weakly. "Nightmares," I stated.

"You know I'm still angry at you," He told me honestly.

"I understand, I should never have done it-" I began.

"You were trying to protect me," He interrupted me. "I get it, that's what we do, protect each other. You know you're like my gun, I'm nothing with out it."

I smiled lightly. "You're my flash light, guiding me through the darkness I fall into," I told him. "I am sorry for what I did, I never wanted to hurt your or push you away."

Jax looked at me. "No matter what I do I can never get you out of my head, out of my dreams," He stated. "We've been through too much to come apart now."

I felt tears in my eyes. "Can we be friends again?" I asked softly.

He smiled and put his arms around me. "I'm sorry for beating you up," He told me.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry for taking your memories away!" I told him.


The glass walls shattered and people were flown backwards. The SHEILD agents and the avengers quickly got people out.

"I got you!" Jax told me as he helped me up.

Stood by the now broken windows were two people dressed in black with guns. Dad and Bucky looked at me and Jax, Jax pulled out two guns then handed one to me.

The two people pulled off their masks, they were two women, one a blonde and the other a brunette.

"Who are you?" Dad asked them.

The two women were silent and they looked at me and Jax with sad eyes. "We've come for our children!" The blonde stated. "Jax Barnes and Brooke Rogers!"

My heart felt like it had stopped beating, I couldn't breathe... They were our Mums?

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