Chapter 22:

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Brooke's POV

The next day Jax and I got up early and stood at the door that led down to our Mothers cells; We didn't want anything to happen to them, they were our family and we didn't want them to be killed or tortured!

"I hear foot steps," Jax whispered.

I pulled my gun out and Jax did the same. "Come any closer and I blow your damn brains out!" I said loudly.

Dad turned the corner and if looks could kill I'd sure as hell be dead. "We knew you'd be down here," He stated angrily.

Jax waved at his Dad. "Hey Dad," He said.

I gave him a 'Shut the hell up' look!

"Rogers, Barnes stand down!" Fury shouted as he came round the corner.

"No thanks," I told him.

"Brooke you know nothing about these ladies!" Dad yelled at me.

I kept my gun up. "You knew nothing about me, yet you gave me a chance," I pointed out.

"You're my daughter," He told me softly.

"And she's my Mom!" I stated then looked at Fury. "Please... Don't do this!"

"Jax put the gun down," Bucky told him.

Jax shook his head. "Not happening old man!" He growled. "You know better than anyone about how a second chance changed you!"

Dad took a step towards me. "Dad please!" I snapped and gripped my gun tighter.

"Brooke stop, this is for the best," He told me.

"Dad please this isn't fair!" I told him.

"You have no idea what they are capable of!" He yelled.

"YES I DO!" I screamed.

"ENOUGH!" Fury yelled.

The four of us stopped talking and looked at Fury who stood with his arms crossed, his one eye glaring at us...

"You can tell you're related," Fury mumbled then looked at me and Jax. "Put those damn guns down!"

Jax and I looked at each other then we throw our guns to the floor and huffed.

"We're not going to hurt them," Fury stated.

I frowned. "What?" I asked in confusion.

"We going to train them to be SHIELD Agents," Fury told me.

Jax looked at me then to Fury. "Seriously?" He asked. "Like what you did with me and Brooke?"

Fury nodded. "They're getting their second chance," He told us then looked directly at me. "If we can set you straight then I think we can handle these two ladies."

I smiled a little. "So they haven't got any powers, their not from another world?" I asked.

Fury shook his head. "Nope just two ladies who got dragged into a messy world," He told me. "We'll take very good care of them."

I nodded. "You better or you'll have us to deal with!" Jax told him with his cocky smirk.

Dad, Bucky, Jax and I stood against the wall as the SHIELD Agents came into the cells and took mine and Jax's Mom's away. I felt better that they were going with them to change, not to be hurt or killed but to be trained... Trained to be better.

Dad looked down at me. "Would you have shot me?" He asked.

I smirked. "If you'd have touched me then yes," I told him.

Dad's face went pale...

"DAD!" I shouted and pushed him. "Of course I wouldn't, I'm not that mean!"

Dad smiled and gently placed his hand on my head. "Come on, let's go to the park," He told me.

"Actually Captain before you do we have a mission for you, all four of you," Agent Hill told us.

I smiled and looked up at Dad. "Looks like the park is gonna have to wait," I told him.

"Come on Brookie, lets kick some ass!" Jax told me.

"I bet I kick more asses than you!" I shouted.

"No way, I'm a much better ass kicker than you!" He told me.

Bucky gently pulled us apart. "Children calm down," He told us with a chuckle.

"The one that kicks the most asses gets the other as a slave for a day," Jax told me.

I shook his hand. "You're on Bucks!" I told him.

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