Chapter 18:

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Jax and I got off the train and walked through an old town, it was pretty weird; The buildings were a wreck, it was like this place was abandoned long ago. We tried to stay calm, we had our guns at the ready in case someone popped out of no where.

"Brooke can I ask you something?" Jax asked.

I looked at him. "Sure..." I told him; He'd been pretty quiet for a while, it was freaking me out!

"What do you know about me?" He asked.

I frowned. "You're asking this question now?" I asked; we're looking for the Avengers and that's the question he asks! "I know you're Bucky's son, you were made by Hydra and you're good at fighting."

"That it?" He asked not sounding pleased with my answer.

I huffed. "I don't know you Jax, just stop the question, okay?" I asked and we kept walking.

I wish he stopped trying to get close to me, asking about myself, he isn't Jax... He isn't the same person!  We continued to walk through the city and we soon found a large building, next to it was a sigh the was lying on it front, I went over to it and lifted it, flipping it onto it's back.

"Montgomery Labs!" I read out loud. "Why would they bring them here?"

"They may want us to feel at home!" Jax mumbled as he walked past.

I frowned... What was that supposed to mean?

I followed him inside... It was disgusting, everything was broke, covered in blood and just EW. We walked around the bottom floor, we found some stairs and we headed to the second floor, no one was there either; I was mentally praying we weren't set up. We headed up to the third floor...

"Where are these kids the boss hasn't shut up about?" We heard someone as.

I grabbed Jax's bag and pulled him backwards so we were hide behind a desk. "I dunno but apparently the girl killed that Russia guy who created them er 'Orlova' his name was," Another said.

I pulled out my knife and peered over the desk; Only one had a radio. I aimed for the radio and threw it, the blade dug into the radio, the two guys shot round to look at us with shocked expressions.

Jax jumped over the desk and shot one in the stomach making him drop, I ran and the other and fly kicked him in the stomach sending him flying back wards, I aimed my gun at him. Jax had is foot on the other guys wound.

"Now where are the Avengers?" Jax Demanded and put pressure on the wound, causing the guy to cry out in pain. "NOW!"

"Fifth floor, in the torture room!" The man cried then Jax kicked him in the head knocking him straight out.

I wacked my gun over the other guys head and looked at Jax. "You ready?" I asked and gave him a knife and some ammo.

He smirked. "Hell yeah!" He told me.

The two of us jogged up the stairs to the fifth floor, we crept through the door our guns at the ready. We moved quickly trying to find the room, we kept hiding from passing guards, knocking them out, or throwing knives into radio's. WHERE WAS THE ROOM!

"Don't worry sweet hero's the experiments will be here soon!" I voice spoke.

Was that prick on about me and Jax? Oh that's it!

Jax's and I kicked the door opened and we held our guns up, we came face to face with a random Chinese dude...

"Alright Jackie Chan call us experiments again and we'll be forced to send you into an early grave!" Jax threatened.

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