Chapter 15:

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*Brooke's POV*

Bucky and Jax had been staying with us for a week now, I tried to keep my distance from Jax but he was like my freaking shadow, he was always following me and wanted to spend time with me. Don't get me wrong I miss my best friend but I can't replace my old memories!

I sat in a changing room at SHIELD; I was officially ungrounded and allowed on a mission as long as I followed orders. I was loading my guns when Natasha walked in all suited up; She going to lecture me!

"Brooke I need to talk to you," Natasha stated and crossed her arms.

I huffed. "You mean talk at me?" I asked and she glared at me. "Go on!"

"Brooke I know you're upset but fighting and arguing with your Dad and the other's isn't going to help you in anyway," Natasha told me. "You need to be professional, Jax just wants to be your friend."

I groaned and stood up. "You know what Romanoff, I'm not like you, I'm not like any of you!" I snapped. "All my life, all I've ever had is Jax, since day one we had been there for each other and now I can't talk to him about the good old days because he doesn't remember, he'll think I'm crazy and I don't want to stand there and be rejected by him!"

Natasha sighed. "Brooke it's not easy I know but you need to believe me and just try and get along, you need to think about the others and not just yourself" She told me.

I scoffed. "I knew you were going to lecture me but you not my Mom so leave me the hell alone!" I told her and pushed past her but she grabbed my arm.

I glared at her. "You can't keep pushing everyone away because you're upset," She told me.

I snatched my arm out of her grasped and I walked out the room, I pulled out my black eye makeup and began rubbing black makeup cross my eyes. I walked to the jet and saw everyone boarding, I sighed and walked up the ramp onto the jet, I looked at the seats, I sat in a seat and clipped my belt and waited for everyone to sit down.

I saw Dad walk up the ramp. "Dad come sit over here!" I told him with a smile.

Dad smiled at me. "Thanks but I need to be up front with Stark," He told me.

"Oh," I mumbled. "Well can I sit up front with you guys then?" I asked

"Brooke you need to stay in you seat," He told me. "You'll be fine here."

I sighed and crossed my arms, silently praying my shadow wouldn't sit next to me.

"Greetings little America!" Thor boomed as he sat next to me. "What troubles you?"

"Everything!" I told him. "I feel like everyone's against me."

"Why is that?" He asked.

I sighed. "Jax has been following me all week and I'm tired of it, I've tried pushing him away but it's no use he keeps coming back," I explained. "The others have noticed and are telling me to try and get along with him."

Thor chuckled. "Maybe he has taken an interest in you?" He told me.

I groaned. "Thor stop, just stop right there!" I told him a laughed little.

"I'm only making jest!" Thor told me.

I shook my head but smiled as , Bucky, Natasha and Jax walked up the ramp, he smiled at me then sat in a seat across from me. THANK ODIN FOR THOR.

The ramp shut and Tony fired up the engines and we took off; Fury told us we were going to China, there was a massive gun fight between the Chinese secret service and an international criminal gang. We were called in early hours this morning so here we are on our way to China!

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