Chapter 11:

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The Jet landed in a field, Dad said the walk wasn't too far.

As we walked Dad told me about the places I could go, the local shop, the park, the movies and the baseball field.

After a few minutes we walked into an apartment building. We took the stairs to the 6th floor, we went to the end of a corridor, Dad opened the door with his key and we stepped inside, my eyes wondered around the rather large apartment, it was really tidy and it had a lot of space!

"Wow, do you live here on your own?" I asked not taking my eyes off my new surrounding.

Dad chuckled as Rex sniffed around the place. "Not anymore," He told me. "Come on, I'll show you to your room."

We walked around the apartment till we stood in front of two doors.

"My room is the one on the right and your's is the one on the left," He told me and pushed my door open.

I stepped in the room with Rex. A double bed was pushed next to the window, there was a wardrobe against the wall and a small cupboard was next to the bed, it had a lamp on it.

"It needs a bit of work, we can paint it any colour you want," Dad told me. "And we can get you new bed covers."

I looked at him and smiled. "This is amazing, I've never had something of my own before," I told him. "I always shared a room with Jax, even as kids we shared a room, it was always plain and boring. Thank you."

I hugged Dad tightly and Rex jumped around us. We both laughed as Rex tried to jump into the hug.

"So how about we order some pizza and start deciding on what to do with your room?" Dad suggested.

"I like cheese pizza," I told him with a smile.

He laughed and we went into the kitchen. He picked up the phone and looked at the menu, he called the pizza place and ordered the pizza, I couldn't help but look at the amazement on his face.

"Still getting used to that huh?" I asked and sat at the kitchen table playing with a pen that was left there.

Dad went to the fridge. "It's strange being in this time, I'm still learning, I learned about televisions the other week, well I had seen them before but I had never really tried to work them," He explained.

I nodded. "I wasn't introduced to those kind of gadgets until I was about seven, I wasn't a big fan of TV to start with, it kind of scared me," I told him and smiled at the memory of me freaking out over a TV.

Dad handed me a can of coke as he sipped his own.

"When I was talking to Bucky he said you liked to draw," I spoke up.

"I do like to draw but it's more like a hobby a guess," He told me and sat in front of me. "Why?"

"Well I was drawing and Bucky just kinda told me," I explained.

Dad smiled softly. "So you like to draw?" He asked.

I nodded. "I used to draw Fury pictures when he first brought me to SHIELD, I wouldn't really talk about my past so I drew it for him and sometimes I used to draw the Agents," I told him.

"I'll have to see your work sometime," He told me.


Someone tapped the door.

Dad pulled out his wallet and answered the door. "Here keep the change, thank you," I heard him say then the door shut.

He walked in carrying to medium pizza boxes, he placed then on the table and opened them up. PIZZA!

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