Chapter 10:

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A load of SHIELD Agents, the rest of the Avengers, Bucky and Rex the dog were on a jet to the HYDRA base. Steve had managed to communicate with them and they traced the call to Russia. Everyone was trying to figure out a plan...

"Come on that won't work!" Clint shouted.

Thor nodded. "I agree with brother Barton," He spoke up.

"Guys the building is huge we need a plan to make the search quick and easy!" Natasha shouted.


Rex barked loudly and was running from Bucky to the other end of the jet.

"What do you want?" Bucky asked in frustration. Rex continued to bark loudly and jump around. "I don't understand what you're saying!"

Thor followed the dog. "Ah he just wanted this rag," He boomed.

Rex soon ran back to Bucky with a grey rag and placed it on his lap and barked. Bucky picked up the rag and held it up, the rag straightened out into a shirt... Bucky knew that shirt, well he knew who it belonged to.

"I have a plan!" Bucky stated and stood up.

Everyone turned to face him. "Fancy sharing?" Tony asked.

Bucky looked at Rex and smirked. "We've got our selves a tracker!" He told them.

After another 15 Minutes they had decided Bucky and Rex would go first, both of them were fast and pretty good fighters!

As the jet landed and the door opened, Rex sniffed Brooke's shirt and shot off like a bullet, Bucky was hot on his paws, the Avengers followed him closely then the Agents followed.

Rex was hot on the scent, he slid round corners, in and out of rooms and soon enough he ran into a lab. He ran straight to Brooke and Steve who were both sitting by a bed that Jax was on. Bucky ran into the room and slowly looked around, his eyes landed on Jax's body shaking on the bed.

"Bucky?" Steve asked.

Bucky slowly looked at him. "What happened?" He asked quietly.

Brooke shot up like a rocket. "Nothing, we just need to get out of here!" She replied quickly. "Jax's needs medical attention and fast!"

Bucky picked up his son and looked over his features; Yeah, definitely his boy! He held Jax close and carried him out the door where they were met by SHIELD Agents. The Avengers checked the rest of the building and arrested all the thugs in there. Everyone boarded the jet and they flew back to HQ... Brooke sat far away from everyone with Rex. No one questioned it, they all just thought she was a little shaken but Steve knew...

Once at HQ Jax was taken to the hospital wing, he was given the all clear it was just going to take some time for him to wake up. Bucky was sat at his bed side watching, waiting for the teen to wake up.

Brooke stood in the door way with Rex, she never said a word as she turned to leave. "Why don't you stay?" Bucky asked. "I'm sure you'll be the first person he wants to see."

She stopped dead in her tracks. "He needs his Dad more than some girl," She stated and left with Rex following her closely.

Bucky looked at Jax and saw him twitching, groaning and his eyes slowly opened. Jax shot up and covered his eyes, he ran hands through his hair and sighed loudly.

Jax looked at Bucky. "Dad?" Jax asked quietly.

Bucky nodded. "I'm here!" He told Jax ans placed a hand on his shoulder.

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