Chapter 19:

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The team managed to contact SHEILD and we were flown back to Stark Tower, Brooke was unconscious the entire time, Jax wouldn't look at anyone he only told us that he knew what Brooke did to him. I knew he'd remember but I didn't think he'd be like this or beat Brooke up, Bucky had to stop me from knocking him out.

I was now sat in Bruce's lab, Brooke was lying unconscious on a bed with many wires hooked up to her; Blood was in her hair some bruising was on her face. I sighed and watched her... She didn't want to fight with Jax, she just wanted to be his equal, his friend!

"Dad," I heard Brooke whisper.

I looked at her and touched her hand. "I know," I told her.

Brooke broke down. "I didn't want it to be like that, I didn't mean for it to turn out like that!" She told.

I sighed. "Brooke it's okay, he'll come round," I told her trying to give her some comfort but it wasn't working.

She looked at me with teary eyes. "Dad c-can you hold m-me?" She asked.

My heart melted there and then. I climbed on the bed next to her and hugged her tightly gently kissing her head; I felt so bad for her, it wasn't fair on her or Jax.

"Am I interrupting this Father- Daughter moment?" Bruce asked as he came into the lab.

I looked up at Bruce. "No, no, we just er..." I tried to think of something to say.

"I was having a meltdown," Brooke told him with a sadly smile. "I needed some comfort, I guess I'm not solid as a rock after all."

Bruce smiled a little and looked at the monitors. "You seem fine but I suggest you stay away from the tower for a while, Jax is in a foul mood and is currently letting off steam in the gym... By destroying it," He told her.

I looked at Brooke who began to pull out the wires. "I won't be around anymore anyway, I'm done with the Avengers," She told us then looked at me. "Dad can we go home?"

I smiled softly. "Sure," I told her then handed her an elastic band. "You've got blood in your hair."

"It's highlights," She joked and tied her hair up.

Together we left the lab and headed towards the garage, a few people walked past us and sent Brooke a sad look which really didn't help Brooke's mood at all. We hopped on my bike and I drove away from the tower towards home, Brooke's rested her head on my back, I could hear her sniffling. Half way home I stopped by an empty field and I hopped off my bike carrying my shield with me.

"What are we doing?" Brooke asked as she followed me.

I turned around and smiled. "We're playing Frisbee!" I told her and tossed my shield towards her.

Brooke ran backwards and little then jumped in the air catching it. "Why are we doing this?" She asked throwing it back to me.

I raised my hand and caught it. "Why not?" I asked her. "Can Captain America and his daughter not have fun?"

Brooke shrugged. "I guess but-" She began but I threw my shield towards her.

"But nothing, Brooke stop worrying about Jax, let him cool off," I told her as she caught the shield and turned it in her hands. "I remember when SHIELD was compromised, Bucky and I were fighting on one of the ships, I was trying to get him to remember but all he did was beat the hell outta me!"

Brooke sighed as she threw the shield back to me. "So your saying to wait it out?" She asked sadly.

I caught the shield and nodded sadly. "It's all you can do right now," I told her.

She nodded. "Okay, so can I do rogue missions?" She asked.

"So not happening!" I told her.

"But I've got mad fighting skills!" She told me.

I put my shield down and got in a fight stance. "Prove it!" I told her.

Brooke smiled and ran towards me, then tackled me to the floor, we wrestled for a little while then I stood up and began to box with her (lightly), I never got to do this with her before, it was really fun and we couldn't stop laughing at each other. I kept picking her up and spinning her around so she was off balance, it was funny to watch her stumble around then try and hit me.

"Dad you're not playing fair!" Brooke told me as she fell on the floor holding her head. "The world is spinning!"

I chuckled. "Give in?" I asked.

"If it stops you from spinning me around then yeah!" She told me. "I give in!"

I offered her my hand and pulled her up. "You're not going to be sick are you?" I asked.

She hummed. "I might be sick during the ride home," She told me.

"You can walk there then!" I told her as we walked towards the bike.

Brooke walked past me. "On your left!" She told me.

I chuckled. "Sam will kill us if we both do that!" I told her.

"Lets do it!" She told me.

Maybe having Brooke stay away from SHEILD was going to be a good idea!


A/N- We needed a bit of
father- daughter comfort and time!

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