Chapter 8:

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- 10 years ago -

Two children were sat in a bedroom that they shared. Both children were 4 years old, one was a boy and the other a girl. They weren't brother and sister, just best friends.

Brooke Rogers and Jax Barnes were one of HYDRA's most successful experiments and they were their future weapons.

"Bucks I saw your Daddy earlier," Brooke told her friend.

JAx tilted his head to the side. "Really?" He asked quietly, Brooke nodded. "What does he look like?"

Brooke giggled. "Bucks he's so tall, he has dark hair just like you, he has a metal arm with a red star on it!" She told him. "Jax he looks just like you!"

Jax smiled. "Wow, maybe one day you'll meet you're Dad," He told me.

Brooke sighed. "Fingers crossed," She said quietly.

"BARNES, ROGERS HERE NOW!" A man shouted.

The two children scrambled to the door and stood next to each other, back's straight, arms by their sides and faces expressionless.

"Come with me, we need to get you branded!" He told them.

The children nodded. "Yes Mister Orlova," They both said in sync.

The two children followed the Mr Orlova through the dark, cold corridors, down the steep stairs, past the training room and into the lab. Mr Orlova sat the children on the lab bench, he put a few needles into Jax's left arm and some needles into Brooke's upper back, those parts of their bodies went numb.

Orlova grabbed Jax's left arm and stuck a red hot star shape on his skin.

"OW!" The little boy screamed.

Jax tried to get away but Orlova held him tightly in place, letting the burn sink through the boys skin ensuring it would be permanent. After a few pain full seconds the shape was removed from Jax's arm and in it's place was a red star.

Orlova let go of Jax and let him curl up in a ball on the side as he held is red arm tightly, tears streamed down the boys cheeks.

Orlova looked at Brooke as she tried to shuffle away. "No please!" She begged as tears filled her eyes.

"GET HERE!" Orlova yelled and grabbed her wrist tightly.

Orlova pulled the back of her vest top down revealing her upper back, in between her shoulder blades, he grabbed the star and pressed it against her skin.

Brooke's high pitched screams filled the lab, tears pooled from her eyes, she clung to Orlova for some sort of comfort but she got nothing.

Orlova pulled the star off her back and let her scramble away from him, he laughed at the two children crying.

"Look at you both so weak. We'll soon sort that out!" Orlova told the.

They were only children, they didn't ask for this hell.

Brooke sniffled and tried to sit up, the pain was horrible. She pulled Jax up so he was sitting up looking at Orlova.

"Now what do you say?" He asked them.

"Hail HYDRA!" Jax said quietly.

"ROGERS!" Orlova barked.

Brooke didn't say anything she jumped off the bench winching at the pain in her back.

Orlova grabbed Brooke's hair forcing her too look at him. "SAY IT!" He barked at her.

"H-Hail H-HYDRA," She said quietly.

"Now say it like you mean it!" He ordered her.

Brooke sniffled. "Hail HYDRA!" She said in a solid voice.

"Go to your room and don't come out!" Orlova ordered them as he put Jax on the floor.

The two children ran off tears streaming down their faces, pain filled their bodies...

They had no one but each other...

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