Chapter 13:

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I was sat in Bruce's Lab at Stark tower.
I was sitting up on a hospital bed with an ice pack on my neck: It was sore and it hurt like hell!
Dad was sat next to me in a chair, his arms were crossed and he had a face like thunder.

"Where's my dog?" I asked not looking at Dad.
"One of the neighbors is looking after him," Dad told me.
I huffed. "The poor animal," I mumbled.
"If I was you I'd be more worried about what Fury is going to say," Dad told me.
I frowned and slowly looked at Dad. "Er news flash old man Fury isn't my Dad he can't control me!" I raised my voice a little.
"Brooke if you carry on like this I'll have no choice but to bring you here every time I go on a mission," Dad told me. "Trust me Brooke I don't want that to happen, I know want you went through."

I gave him a look of pure hatred: All he's done is look through my file, read my history. He knows nothing, he understands nothing!

"The only person that ever understood was Jax," I mumbled and placed the ice pack on the bed. "I need to go for a walk."
I was about to climb off the bed but Dad stopped me. "You are staying here!" He told me sternly.
I pushed his chest the best I could. "I did what I wanted before and I'll do it again!" I told him and slid off the bed.
"And where did that get you?" He asked.
I didn't look at him. "I was free," I whispered.

As I walked out the room tears slowly made there way down my face. I felt bad about saying those things but they were how I felt!
I headed down to the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water and sat at a table in the corner of the room. I rested my head on the table and tried to cool off a little.

"Hey er sorry about your neck," A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Jax sitting in front of me. "If I had known you were Cap's daughter I wouldn't have laid a finger on you."
I gently touched the side of my neck. "Its fine," I mumbled and stood up. "I have to go."
"Hey wait!" Jax told me. "Erm can we start over?"

I looked him dead in the eyes: The way he looked at me like I was a stranger- well to him I was but in my eyes he was still my best friend, my brother and my hero.
Did I want to try and relive our memories?

"Why would you want to be my friend?" I asked softly.

"Well I'm like Bucky junior so that kinda makes you like Cap junior," He explained to me with a small smile.
I sighed. "I don't have friends," I mumbled: Not anymore.
Jax sighed. "We can hang out in the gym," He told me.

Before I could protest he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the canteen. He was dragging me the entire way, he pushed through the others Agents without a care in the world, we went into the gym and picked up some guns that were in slots waiting to be used.

I aimed my gun at the target and fired it.


I looked at the board, all bullets had hit the middle of the target.

"Okay girly what's your secret?" Jax asked me.

I frowned. "Huh?"

He nodded to the board. "Four perfect shots," He stated.

I rolled my eyes. "I've been training since I could walk," I told him and reloaded the gun.

"I've read your file," He told me. "You were made by Hydra, sort of."

I sighed and ignored him, I was silently praying Fury had changed my file in case something like this happened.

"I was sort of made by Hydra too," He told me. "I wonder if we ever met as little kids?"

"I doubt it," I told him. "Look I need to go find my Dad, he'll probably be worried."

"Oh okay," Jax mumbled. "It was nice talking to you."

I nodded. "Yeah, see you around Bucky Junior," I teased and jogged out the room.


I watched Brooke run off, I swear she was the girl that had been in my dreams for the past few weeks. The dreams were always different but Brooke was always in them, I swear I hadn't met her before last night but it was the girl from my dreams, I know it.

I just know it!

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