Chapter 17:

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A/N- This Chapter is kind of important!

Jax's POV

- Dream -

I was running through a forest, it was dark, I couldn't hear anything or anyone, I was alone, I was scared.

My chest was hurting, my legs felt tired, how long had I been running?

"Bucks, Bucks help!" I heard someone shout.

I quickly ran in the direction the voice came, suddenly flames appeared around me, trees were collapsing around me, I didn't understand!

"BUCKS HELP!" The voice screamed.

I looked at the cliff and saw Brooke hanging off the edge; She was going to fall. I sprinted up the cliff to the top, I lay on my belly and reached out to her.

"Brooke take my hand!" I told her. "TAKE IT!"

"I can't!" She told me. "I can't until you remember!"

I frowned, I blinked and she was gone... I was suddenly moved into a dark training room, in front of me were two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was me and the girl was Brooke? I tried to got towards them but it was like there was a barrier between me and them!

"Look at us, two seven year olds firing guns," Brooke said as she appeared next to me.

I looked back at the two children and they were gone. "Why were you there?" I asked.

Brooke laughed. "Bucks we're friends, we grew up together!" She told me. "We're a team!"

"What?" I asked.

"We were created and trained together to be Hydra's weapons!" She told me then took my hand, she pulled me into another room; It was a theatre? "When you rescued me from SHIELD we hid here!"

I looked around guns were hidden from sight, a small bed and sofa were on a platform not that high from the stage. Suddenly an image flashed through my head of Steve, Thor, Natasha and Clint raiding this place looking for us!

I rubbed my eyes and I was suddenly back in the lab but this time Brooke was stood in front of me, she had her back to me then she took her shirt off revealing a large Star burn in the middle of her shoulder blades, I looked at my burn- They're the same!

"I'm with you till the end of the line," I heard Brookes voice say softly.

Then a pain ripped through my mind, my eyes were watering, I looked at Brooke and I watched her started to fade, I tried to grab her but my hand went straight through her, she was slipping away from me.

"REMEMBER!" Brooke shouted.

- End of dream -

I shot up, sweat covered my body and I was breathing heavily; What the?

I looked next to me and saw Brooke sleeping peacefully, her blonde her covered her face... I knew her, I know her but how did I forget her, how is it possible to forget someone I knew all my life? I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, I don't understand, I'm so confused! I gently brushed Brookes hair out of her face and lay down again facing her... I- I remember, I used to sleep next to her because she had nightmare of being in the lab!

"I knew it!" I whispered. "I know you... But how did I forget you?"

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