Chapter 7:

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Everyone was stood in the lab watching the many screens that flickered from location to location, since we had been back everyone was silent with each other, no one liked this waiting game.

"Come on what's taking so long!" Jax asked through gritted teeth.

"Bruce and Tony are doing everything they can," Natasha told him.

Jax threw a test tube across the room. "My best friend and my Father could be dead, and we're sitting here watching CCTV footage of random people!" He yelled.

I slowly looked at him, I was getting angry now!

Honestly Jax was voicing my thoughts, my Daughter and my best friend were out there and they were in danger.

Suddenly an Agent walked in holding a phone in his hand, he scanned the room and his eyes landed on Jax. "Mr Barnes we have a phone call for you, it's your Doctor," He told Jax and handed him the phone.

Jax frowned as the Agent walked away. "Hello?" He asked as he held the phone by his ear. "... I want to kill you and I want to hug you!... Where are you, tell me!" He spoke into the phone.

I rose out of my seat. "Is it Brooke?" I asked quietly.

Jax nodded. "Where's that?... Is- is my Dad there?... You're both okay right?... Yeah you're old mans here, we've been looking for you... I miss you too you little shit... Sit tight we're coming!" He told her and cut the call then looked at me. "They're on the coast of Long Island New York," He told me. "And yeah they're both fine."

I looked at the Avengers. "Suit up, the Russians will trace that call, we need to move now!" I told them.

Everyone quickly left and got their suits on, we needed to act fast this time!


*Hours before*

Bucky and I were walking through town trying to lay low, I still had no idea where the hell we were going. We walked past a few alleys and Bucky kept looking down them, after a few minutes he grabbed the scruff of my shirt and pulled me down an alley we're a few cars were.

"And here's our ride!" Bucky told me.

I sighed. "Right you can hot wire a car and I'll check for useful things," I told him.

I pulled out a bobby pin and stuck in it the key hole on the door, I did my thing and got it open, I opened the glove box and found a gun with ammo, 50 dollars and a bag of chocolate. The next car had a knife, tools and a bottle of coke!

"Brooke lets go!" Bucky told me and revved the car.

I threw the stuff in the back and noticed the boot was full. "Hey look at all this cool stuff!" I exclaimed and sat in the back.

As Bucky drove he looked at me in the mirror. "What are you doing?" He asked.

I climbed in the boot. "Look at all this stuff!" I told him and held up a fishing rod and shot gun. "Hey look there's spare clothes here!"

Bucky sighed. "Is there anything useful their?" He asked me as he went up the high way.

I hummed and sifted through the items. "Well there's a pack lunch here, some worms, knives," I listed and pulled out a taser. "The taser's mine!"

Bucky chuckled. "Whatever, now get back over here and bring that pack lunch," He told me.

I climbed over the seats to the passenger side and buckled up, I rested my feet on the dash and opened the sandwich box, Bucky and I shared the sandwich.

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