Chapter 9:

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My eyes slowly opened, the one side of my face was cold. I groaned and pushed my self up and let my eyes adjust to the room... I was in a cell and the cell across from me held my Dad. He was lying on his back gently breathing.

I looked around me and found a small stone; Please don't kill me later!

I aimed it at his head and threw it through the bars and it hit the top of his head.

Dad shot up like a rocket and held his head. "D-Dad!" I called.

His head shot round and he looked at me. "Brooke, are you alright?" He asked and pressed himself to the bars.

"I'm fine," I whispered and looked down at myself- I GOT SHOT! "Didn't I get shot?"

"You almost died," He whispered.

I looked down and my stomach. "Am I dead?" I asked slowly.

Dad shook his head. "They patched you up and gave some sort of healer," He explained.

I nodded and slowly lifted up my shirt; A scar the length of my palm was on my stomach. "Scarred for life," I whispered. "What happened to the others?"

"I'm not sure as far as I know the others are safe, I boarded the jet with you, Jax was knocked out, as soon as they started patching you up they took off and turned on their cloaking shield," He explained.

I nodded. "Where's Jax, they didn't get Bucky so where's Jax?" I asked worryingly.

Dad shrugged. "I don't know," He told me quietly.

I sighed and stood up, there's a way out of here there has to be!

I jiggled the bars, some moved; BINGO!

I went to the lower bars and began pulling them and twisting them, slowly, very slowly they were bending and they were coming loose, I kicked the bars sending them flying over towards Dad's cell. The gap was only small but I wriggled through, I looked up and down the corridor, it was clear. I picked up a bar that I had broke and held it tightly in my hand, I slowly walked down the corridor and saw a man sitting on his chair watching monitors, I took a slow breath and quietly made my way over to him.


I hit him over the head with the bar.

He fell to the floor and I searched him, two guns, a grenade, a knife and the keys!

I dragged the guy down to Dad's cell and opened the cell door, we threw the guy in and locked it up. I attached the keys to my belt.

"Come on!" I told Dad and ran back to the monitors.

I scanned the many screens; Come on Jax!

Then I found him, he was strapped to a table with two people around him... I recognised the room, it was the lab we were always taken to when we were kids!

"We need to move, now!" I told Dad.

We both shot up the stairs and down the corridors, I gave Dad the other gun and together we took on four guys, we shot them and punched them, we did everything in our pow to fight them off.. I felt like some sort of killing machine as one by one I took them out. A guy grabbed me from behind, I struggled against him then threw my head back nutting him, he let me go and he fell on the floor, another guy back handed me but I quickly kicked his stomach and then in the face knocking him out too. Dad and I raced up a set of stairs, down a corridor, we both stood next to the door... We nodded at each other and together we barged in.

Jax was strapped to a table, needles were in his arm, monitors beeping, his body looked lifeless, he was pale and his breathing was so slow you could hardly see the rise and fall of his chest!

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