Chapter 2:

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Brooke's POV

My name is Brooke Rogers, I'm 14 years old and I am lost, not physical but mentally. I don't want to have to hide any more, I want to be free but I can't.


SHIELD are looking for me, I escaped when I was 10 years old because I didn't want that life, I didn't want to be ordered around constantly and baby sat all the time. The only reason I escaped from SHIELD was because of my best friend.

"JAX!" I shouted and got out off my bed, I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my blonde hair into a messy pony tail.

Jax is my best friend, he was also made through an experiment just like me 14 years ago but from someone else's DNA and now we've been hiding in this abandoned theatre for years.

I peeped my head over the edge of the side so I could see the stage. There Jax was fixing the lights.

"Hey Jax!" I shouted again but no answer.... "JAX BUCHANAN BARNES!"

Jax head snapped up to look at me. "Will you stop shouting!" He told me with an annoyed look.

I rolled my eyes then climbed down the ladder to him. "Any news on the gang that broke into that bank?" I asked and sat on the sofa.

Jax sighed. "They found the gang cuffed in the volt with all the money still in it's rightful place," He told me.

I nodded. "So we did good," I cheered.

"Not exactly," He mumbled.

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked and tilted my head to the side.

"We took out security guards, one is in hospital," He told me sadly.

I shook my head and stood up. "Come on we stopped a robbery. We did good," I told him and pushed him playfully. "Lighten up bucks, we've left that life behind we're good!"

As I walked to our little stash of food I swear I heard him say 'Yeah whatever!' I span round and tackled him to floor.

"BROOKE GET THE HELL OFF ME!" He shouted and started wrestling with me on the floor, as kids this is what we did, we were inseparable!

I laughed. "Come on Bucks scared to be beaten by a girl!" I teased and pushed him off me.

"You're gunna get it Rogers!" He told me then dived on me.

We rolled around the floor like children and were giggling like school girls!

"STOP!" I shouted. "I- I can't breathe!"


Jax and I stopped where we were as parts of the ceiling came crashing down. We slowly looked up and saw Iron Man? Suddenly two people came swooping in on wires and landed a few feet away from us.

"Why is there two kids?" Iron Man asked.

I looked at Jax. "Grab a gun!" I ordered him.

We took off to the side of the stage and grabbed the guns we had hidden.

We fired at the two people on the stage; one was ginger and had a gun, the others was blonde ish and had a bow and arrow. I looked at their uniform and gasped...

"They're with SHIELD!" I yelled; No after all this time, they can't take me back.

"Brooke up now!" Jax shouted.

We both scrambled up the ropes to the platforms above. We ran across them but Iron Man was blocking our path, I grabbed an old light and threw it at him causing him to fall into the platform and break some of it.

"BROOKE!" Jax shouted.

I looked behind me and saw him hanging off the railing, barely holding on.

"Bucky!" I cried and lay on my stomach, reaching out to grab his hand. "Buck take my hand please!"

He looked between me and the floor below him. "I can't reach you!" He told me.

I hooked my leg around and wire and lowered my self a bit more. "Yes you can come on, take my hand!" I yelled. I looked at the stage and saw a few more people watching us... There was now two in SHIELD uniforms, a guy in a red cape with long blonde hair and a hammer, then another guy who was in a tight outfit with a mask on.

Jax only just grabbed my hand and I managed to pull him up next to me. "Told you," I mumbled with a smirk. "Come on!"

We ran along the plat form but I we were stopped by the guy in the tight outfit... We looked behind us and Iron Man was there.

"You take Mr Spandex, I got the metal man," Jax whispered.

"I'm with you," I mumbled.

Jax chuckled. "Till the end of the line!" He mumbled back.

When I looked back at the gun in spandex he was frowning?

I shook my head and began firing my gun at him, he kicked the gun out of my hand and began to try and box with me. He hit me and I hit him back, his technique was brilliant but mine was better!

I pulled out all my moves; high kicks, my ninja skills, I pulled out my knife at one point and tried to stab him!

"WHO ARE YOU?" I asked as I kicked him in the face.

The guy punched me square in the face, sending me stumbling backwards. "Captain America!" He told me and stuck and needle in my arm.

I looked at the needle in my arm, I felt dizzy, my body felt heavy and my vision was fuzzy... I pulled the needle out and hit the deck.

Darkness took over my body. All I could hear was the shouts and cries from Jax...

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