Chapter 16:

14.7K 370 18

*Brooke's POV*

I was sat in the jet tapping away at the screens and on the small system; The weird thing was the signals on the communicators were really high, the map told me exactly where they were but I just couldn't contact them!

"Any look finding them?" Jax asked as he walked in holding a few guns.

I nodded. "They're in the middle of China, the signals are strong but I can get into contact with them," I explained then stood up. "What have we got?"

"Some very advanced weapons," He admitted. "I picked up a lot of ammo out there and tested the guns; They're good, really good!"

"We're going to need good weapons if we're going after this crazy ass gang!" I told him. "I've down loaded the map onto this phone, ain't that right JARVIS?"

"Yes Miss Rogers, the map is on here along with directions I have set up so you will be under cover," JARVIS told us.

Jax smiled. "Tony left his phone, that's brilliant!" He told me.

I pulled a face. "Not really," I admitted. "This was the prototype to Tony's phone, this is half the phone he has so really it's only half of JARVIS but it's better than nothing."

"You're right so what's the plan now, we can't exactly run round China looking like SHEILD Agents we'll stick out," He told me as we both looked at each other.

He had a good point...

"Maybe there's some stuff on here?" Jax suggested.

I hummed. "Maybe?"

We got to work looking in the storage cupboards, and cases; WE FOUND CLOTHES!

We both changed and pack two back- packs, we were going to pretend to be tourists on a school trip, we found some sun glasses and we locked up the jet; Hopefully it would be okay here, after all this we could send someone who could fly it!

When we left we took one of Tony's cards; He has a spare wallet that he takes with him in case his suit brakes or he wants to go shopping; Typical Tony Stark!

Jax and I walked through the busy streets trying to get to the train station, we thought it would be best to stay hidden in plain sight.

"Why wasn't I taught Chinese?" I mumbled to myself as we looked at a train time table.

Jax hummed. "Come on we'll get on that one," He told me then pointed to the phone. "We should be pretty close by!"

I nodded. "Okay we're going to have to sneak on, it's a cargo train I think, so we'll have to move fast," I told him.

Jax nodded then looked behind me, he froze and narrowed his eyes a little. "Don't turn around," He said quietly.

I frowned. "Why?" I asked.

"There is a man standing on the second floor looking down at everyone, he seems to be talking into an ear piece," Jax explained glancing between me and the man behind us.

"Could be a security guard?" I suggested.

"Do security guards dress in ganster clothes?" He asked.

"No," I told him.

Jax nodded and took my hand. "We need to move calmly and quickly," He told me.

We gently pushed our way through the crowds of people towards the trains, we didn't dare look behind us, we needed to stay cool and calm. We went onto the tracks and saw some guys loading up luggage and crates; That was the train. We crept round the train and waited for the men to turn their backs...

"You go first," I told him.

"No way, you go first," He told me. "I'll watch your back!"

I nodded and crept round and down the side of the train, as I looked at the guy he was about to turn round and I dived under the train, I lay flat on my stomach and held my breath as I watched the man walk past me. I crawled forward a little watching his feet slowly walk away, I scrambled out a and climbed on the train, I jumped behind some crates and waited quietly... I had my pistol at the ready.

"Well that was a close call," Jax whispered as he slumped down next to me.

I smiled lightly; Like the good old days. "We're going to be on here for a few hours, so we may as well get some shut eye!" I told him and rested my head on my bag. "Rest up!"

Jax smiled. "I'll keep watch for a bit," He told me as the door shut.

The train started to rumble and it began to move, it was pretty calming and relaxing.

I yawned. "I'm glad we're partners," I told him sleepily and closed my eyes falling asleep.

We're coming Dad don't worry. We're coming!

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