CH 2 - Bad Day

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You help your father at his cafe like usually. You was making the customer drink. It has past few days but you still can't forget about what happen between Niki and Jungkook.

You send the order to the customer table. After that you washing the dish. And then you take a sit at the window side. You saw Jungkook with one girl. But you can't recognizes that girl in the school. They seems like having a fight.

?? : Did my girl having a trouble?

You turn your head and look at your dad.

Y/N : Nothing, dad. Is this for me?

Dad : Yes. Fresh apple juice.

He said and place it on your table. You take it and have a sip.

Y/N : It's delicious, dad. Like always.

Your father smile while his hand play with his apron hem.

Y/N : Dad, can i ask you something?

Dad : Of course.

Y/N : Will you feel disappointed with me if i got low mark or fail my exam paper?

Dad : What? Why are you asking me like that?

Y/N : Nothing, dad. Just ignore my question.

Dad : What happen, my baby? Are you didn't like the new school?

Y/N : I never like it, dad but because of my friends, i start to like it about 10 percent.

Dad : I'm glad it. How your relationship with your mom?

Y/N : Can you not mention about her?

Dad : Why? She just want to get close with you. She want to love you.

Y/N : Uh huh... Like she really want to do that.

You said in annoy tone.

Dad : Y/N, no matter how bad she is, she..

Y/N : ...still my mother. The one that give birth of me. You have repeat that sentence for million times and i know that.

Dad : She love you, Y/N.

Y/N : I doubt that, dad.

You said and look outside the window again. You saw that girl slap Jungkook face. You was shocked too. You see Jungkook face turn angry after that girl left.


You go to the school next morning like usually. You take a bus to go to school. You saw a lot of people gather infront of the school. You got curious so you also go there.

?? : Get down from there !

The principal shout. You look upper and saw Niki on the rooftop. He want to jump from there. You was shocked. His face full with bruise and swell a bit.

Y/N : Niki ...

?? : Get down from there right now!

Niki : I'm tired with all this! I never bother anyone! I never did anything ! But why ! Why do I have to go through all this !

He shout out from his lungs while crying.

Niki : This school is not good for all of us ! This school can destroy your life if you choose to stay !

He shout again. Then you saw BTS standing there. They just have flat look like they always facing this.

Niki : After i died, there will be someone else that will replace my place. That will get beaten by that beast !

He shout as he point at BTS.

Y/N : Niki, get down from there !

You shout. He shake his head and look at you.

Niki : I'm tired, Y/N ! I'm really tired! I'm in pain ! I can't do this anymore ! But i have to say thanks to you cuz you always listen to me.

He said. He getting more to the edge. You run inside the building and rush to the rooftop.

Y/N : Niki, don't !

You try to convince him.

Niki : You're such a good person,    Y/N. Make sure you stay away from them in the future. They will destroy a good girl life like you. Goodbye,Y/N.

He said sadly and jump. You didn't manage to hold on him. You saw his body on the ground. Bleeding from his head. You can't help but to cry.

You feel so useless because you can't save him. Even you didn't know him that close but you know that he have trouble in his life. You slide your body down and crying. His died infront of you.

DK rush to you and hug you. He pat your back as you cry at his shoulder. He comfort you. Then your other friends also be there . They know you will be so sad.

You lose your appetite. You didn't eat anything during lunch hour. Your friends worry about you. They keep convince you to eat but you can't eat after what you going through.

Y/N : He didn't deserve this. He such a good person.

Woozi : That's enough, Y/N. Stop it.

Y/N : I can't stop it. I just can't brain it. He didn't have any relationship with that girl but he keep let it out on him. That's not fair.

Eunha : It's fair in love and war.

She said and you look at her. You start to hate them more day by day. You can't tolerate a bully. Your blood boiling everytime you saw them.

They can eat peacefully like nothing happen. Even all that happen because of him. You can't imagine how Niki parents will facing this things.

You feel sad just by thought about it. You think to go and pay a respect toward them. You sighed and get up. You go somewhere to take some fresh air.

?? : Don't get involve in this matter,

You turn around and saw Jungkook. You roll your eyes as he walk closer.

Y/N : What is wrong with you? He didn't even have any relationship with the girl that you like.

Jungkook : Really? Because he make she fall in love with him and i don't like it at all.

You shocked a bit.

Y/N : Then that was the girl fault. Why did you bark at the wrong tree?

Jungkook : Because he is the reason. He make she fell in love with him !

Y/N : Talking to you is useless thing ! You can't different which one is right and wrong !

Jungkook : Did you raise your voice on me?

Y/N : What if i raise my voice on you? You wanna make me the next target? You want to do what?

Jungkook: Don't make me angry,
Y/N? You won't like it.

Y/N : I already hate you.

You said and left him there. He feel so mad. He skipped the next class and go somewhere to calm himself down. You get inside the class and continue it until finish the day.

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