CH 3 - Wedding Annoucement

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Couple months has past. You also already back to normal even you can't forget about that tragedy. This week you will spend time woth your mom.

Mom : Y/N, i need you to wear something nice for dinner tonight. I want to introduce you with my boyfriend.

Y/N : Boyfriend?

Mom : Yeah. I told him that i have a daughter and guess what...

Y/N : What?

You ask in uninteresting voice.

Mom : He can't wait to meet you. He very excited to meet you.

Y/N : Yeah..I'm also excited.

You said in annoy tone. Your mom pat your head and leave to her work. It Sunday. So usually you will do your homework until finish. Then you will study. You feel weird with your mom. Why she work on Sunday? You just too lazy to think about it.

You was quiet bored. Even you have watch television and do some work out at home. You always feel bored whenever you come to your mom house.


This is what you wear

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This is what you wear.

You come out from your room and walk to living room.

Mom : Oh my God, Y/N ! Why don't you wear a dress?

Y/N : No.

Mom : Go and change it.

Y/N : No. I'm not going to change it. I can wear whatever i want.

Mom : Y/N, please..

Y/N : Then you go without me.

Your mom sighed and gave up. A car with a driver already waiting for you. Both of you hop inside the car and the driver start to drive away.

Your mother house and her boyfriend house was not so far. It just took like 25 minutes to the place. You was unbothered with the mansion infront of you.

The big mansion that always make people awe with the design but it fail to impressing you. You don't care about all that. Both of your get inside the house as the car park at mansion.

?? : Hi, sweetheart.

Mom : Hi, honey.

One man welcome your mother with a peck and it make you want to vomit.

Mom : Honey, this is my only daughter, Y/N. And Y/N, this is my boyfriend, Kim Yong Soo.

Y/N : Hello, Mr Kim.

You said as you bow politely.

Yong Soo : Hi, Y/N. Come inside. I will call my son to meet you.

He said and rush inside. You hold your mom arm and pull her a bit.

Y/N : Woah..Woah...woah.. You didn't told me about this 'son' matter or your forget it.

Mom : Sorry. I want to tell you but i guess it better of you found out about them here.

Y/N : Them? It means his son is more than one?

Mom : Just come inside. They are very lovely, friendly and nice boys.

She said as she pull you inside. Your eyes widen and you stop at your track when you saw BTS sitting at the living room.

Y/N : They are your son, Mr Kim?

Yong Soo : Yes. They is. Come and have a sit.

You hesistated to take a sit. BTS was looking at you with cold eyes. They are totally not a lovely and friendly person.

Yong Soo : You guys attend the same school, am i right?

Y/N : Yeah.

Yong Soo : Did you know one from them?

Y/N : No.

Jungkook : Why are you lying? We're in same the class, right Y/N?

Y/N : Oh really cuz i didn't notice you there.

You said as you rolled your eyes.

Yong Soo : So Y/N, your mom tell me a lot about you.

Y/N : Oh good because she just told me about you today. In fact she just said that she want to introduce me with you. That's all. She didn't mention about anything else.

Mom : Sorry, baby. I must be forget to tell you.

Y/N : Forget? I have sleep in your house couple years and you didn't manage to tell me that?

You said in annoy tone as you look at her.

Y/N : So Mr Kim, how long have you be in relationship with my mother?

Yong Soo : Well... You can say for 5 years now.

Y/N : Wow..5 years. Unbelievable.

Mom : Y/N !

She warn you. The maid come and told that the dinner is ready. You guys walk to dining table. You take a sit to next Jin and Hoseok.

You guys start eating while you just playing with your food. Your mother mostly talk to BTS. They was talking to her too and they address your mother as 'mom'.

Mom : Kids, we have an  announcement to make.

All of you look at her and Mr Kim.

Mom : We're getting married next week.

She said excitedly. You accidently drop your spoon on the floor as you shocked.

Mom : Y/N, are you okay?

You look at her with cold eyes.

Y/N : Why don't you tell me about this on your wedding days? You just told me about your boyfriend and your stepson today and told me you wanna get married. And that will be held next week.

Mom : Y/N, we already plan this for awhile.

Y/N : And i guess i'm not in your plan.

You scoffed. You get up from your chair.

Y/N : Don't worry, mom. I won't stop this wedding and i won't attend it.

Mom : Y/N, I want you to be my bridesmaid.

Y/N : But i don't want to.

Mom : Oh..Okay, then just attend the wedding.

Y/N : No. I better working at the cafe than attend your wedding. I'm leaving.

You said and take your bag. Then you walk away. Your mom run after you.

Mom : Y/N, that's my happy day. Can't you just come? I want to introduce you with my friends.

Y/N : Mom, you have new kids now. You should introducing them. Beside, they are more important for you.

Mom : Wait, sweetheart. Let me send you home.

Y/N : No need. You should spend more time with them. Cuz they going to be your new family very soon.

You said the last sentence angrily. Then you rush out from there. You wait at the bus stop while your tear didn't stop flowing from your eyes.

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