CH 8 - Rules To Be Obey

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Your mother and step father will departure to overseas this morning. They going for their honeymoon. BTS was with them at the living room.

You walk downstair while put your hand in the pocket. You don't have any expression and feeling. Because of what? Because you already used to be left by your mom.

Mom : Y/N, listen to your brother and don't against them. Remember that they more older than you.

Y/N : I know.

Mom : Boys, if Y/N make any trouble, i give you guys permission to teach her a lesson.

You look at her with angry face.

Mr Kim : Honey, why you talk like that? My boys won't hurt her. Right?

He ask as he look at his son.

Taehyung : It's depend, dad. If she being so rude with us, than...

Mr Kim : Jin, make sure your brother didn't touch Y/N.

Jin : Okay, dad.

Mr Kim : Y/N, if my son do anything toward you, call me.

You nod. He hug you and kiss your head. You was shocked.

Mr Kim : See you again in 2 weeks.

Y/N : Of course, Mr Kim.

You said. Both of them get inside the car and the driver took them to the airport. You sighed and about to get inside the mansion back again but your step brother stop you.

Y/N : What now?

Jin : We need to talk.

Y/N : I have something to do so let's talk next time.

Jungkook : Are you scared with us?

Y/N : Ermm.. A bit, maybe?

Jungkook hold your hand and drag you inside. He make you sit on the couch at the living room.

Namjoon : We have a rules here.

Taehyung : So you need to obey the rules.

Y/N : Rules? I never live up with a rules before.

Jimin : Then you should learn.

Jin : First, you have to obey to 7 of us. Don't go against us in public.

Namjoon : Second, you have to go to school and coming back from school with one from us.

Hoseok : Third, you have to ask for our permission to go anywhere.

Yoongi : Forth, you have to eat with us for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Jimin : Fifth, you can't lock your room or we will take off the lock.

Taehyung : Sixth, you have to pick up our phone call everytime we call. No matter where you been.

Jungkook : And last one, you are not allow to have a boyfriend.

You look at them with unbelievable face.

Y/N : You're guys kidding me, right?

Jin : No. We're not.

He said coldly. You sighed.

Y/N : Look, guys. We don't need the rules. We can work this out together.

Yoongi : Meaning?

Y/N : You guys go with your own paths and i will do the same things.

Jungkook : Why? Is it because you hate us?

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