CH 13 - Caste ?

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You was sitting at the living room while doing some study when someone knock your house door. You get up and walk in limping to open the door.

Y/N : Yes?

Your eyes widen when you saw Mr Kim standing there.

Mr Kim : Y/N, what happen to you? Who did this?

Y/N : Mr Kim, what are you doing here? When did you coming back?

Mr Kim : I just arrive this evening.

Y/N : Please come inside, Mr Kim.

You invite him in and both of you take a sit.

Mr Kim : What happen to your leg? And why are you here, sweetheart?

Y/N : I sprained my leg and i coming back here because i miss my dad. He also will be back in couple days. So i want to clean the house.

Mr Kim : I feel jealous with your father. He has a daughter that will welcome he home whenever he go out.

Y/N : Sorry. I know that i promise to wait for you but i didn't keep my promise.

Mr Kim : It's okay. So now, tell me who did this to you?

Y/N : I tripped at school.

Mr Kim : Then you should stay with your brother. Or did my son hurt you by any chance?

Y/N : No. They're not ! They taking care of me very well.

You lie to him.

Mr Kim : Okay. How about you pack few of your things.

Y/N : Why?

Mr Kim : Cuz i'm taking you back to the mansion since your dad still didn't here. Let me have you until he back. 

Y/N : But ....

Mr Kim : Please .. i want at least to have one dinner with you.

Y/N : I'm sorry, Mr Kim. Maybe next time we can have dinner together with my dad too. If you don't mind?

Mr Kim: Of course, i don't. Anything that make you happy, sweetheart

You smile sadly.

Mr Kim : Y/N, this is for you.

You look at him as he put a small paper bag on the table. You took it and look inside it. You open the small box and gasped.

Y/N : Mr Kim! What is all this?

Mr Kim : For you.

Y/N : This necklace is for me? You're serious?

Mr Kim : Yeah. Do you like it?

Y/N : I love it. But, what is this for?

Mr Kim : A souvenir. I didn't give you anything when you come to our mansion at the first time.

Y/N : Thank you, Mr Kim but i can't accept this.

Mr Kim : Why?

Y/N : It too luxury for me. You know that i never have an expensive item like this. Beside, i scared to have one. I scared that i will lose it.

Mr Kim : Please take it. It's from my heart for my only daughter.

Y/N : Thank you. It was very sweet for your to buy for your daughter.

Mr Kim : You are my daughter, Y/N. Maybe we didn't relate in blood but i believe we can connect it from heart, isn't it.

Y/N : I will accept your good intention. Thanks once again, Mr Kim.

Mr Kim : Welcome. I think i should go now. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?

Y/N : Next time. I'm promise you.

Mr Kim : Okay.

He said and get up. He hug you and kiss your head before he left. You took the necklace and caress it gently. You keep it in your safety box.

Meanwhile at Kim's Mansion, Mr Kim come back to the mansion with cold face. He join the others at the dining table.

( I will start to address Mr Kim as 'dad' from here )

Mom : Where have you been, honey?

Dad : I go to meet my daughter.

Mom : Your daughter? You mean

He nod as he scoop some food into his plate.

Mom : You mean, you go to my ex husband place? Why would you?

Dad : Why? I just there to meet my daughter.

Mom : You can call her here. Why did you have to dirty your shoes to enter that area?

Dad : What is wrong with i go to my daughter place?

He ask confused.

Mom : You are in a high caste but she come from low caste. You didn't worth it to step your feet to that place.

She said in annoy.

Dad : Are you saying that your own daughter is in low caste right now? Are you talking down about your daughter?

She just realise something.

Mom : T-that's not what i mean, honey. I just...

Dad : Stop ! I don't want you to talk about her like that. And now boys, i wanna ask something regarding your sister.

Namjoon : What is it,dad?

Dad : What happen to your sister leg?

BTS froze at their place.

Yoongi : She sprained her leg.

Dad : How can she sprained her leg?

Mom : She must be clumsy again. Why did you have to asking the boys? It's not their job to guard her.

Dad : Honey, don't you know that i entrust them to taking care of her at school.

Mom : And do you know that she always get into a fight in school. She always create trouble. She always getting in stupid fight in school.

Dad : So? That's why i ask them to look  after her. Who knows she is getting bullied at school.

Mom : Who want to bully her? She have nothing, honey !

She raise her voice a bit.

Mom : Can we stop talking about her? Why we have to argue because of her?

She said angrily and left the dining table.

Jungkook : Why mom act like she didn't love Y/N?

Dad : I don't know. Something bothering her, maybe. Did someone bully your sister?

Jin : No, dad. She just fine. Nobody bullying her at school.

Dad : Okay. I trust you guys.

He said and then he also left the dining table. He walk to his office and do some work. He keep thinking why his wife act like that.

Why she didn't allow him there? That's what he think. He never mind about what place you stay as long as you safe and sound.

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