CH 43 - Taken

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Today you helping your dad at the cafe when your mom come by. She look so arrogant when she walk inside. Your father was not there because he was out to buy something.

Mom : You're been so stubborn, right.

Y/N : What are you doing here?

Mom : I told you to stay away from them. But what you did? You keep clingy with them like a koala.

Y/N : So?

Mom : Take this money and get lost from this country.

She said as she put one bag on the table. She unzipped the bag and show you the money.

Y/N : I don't want to.

You said without look at the money.

Mom : Pardon?

Y/N : I love Paju. And i wanna stay here. Beside why you so scared with me here?

Mom : I don't want you here, Y/N. You'll be the trouble for me.

Y/N : You're make me dizzy. You came to me when i don't want you but then you throw me away when i try to be nice with you. What do you want actually? Mr Kim property?

Her face changing.

Y/N : It was true? You marry with Mr Kim for his property? Unbelievable. You're didn't change at all. Don't you see that Mr Kim really love you? Adore you?

You getting mad.

Mom : I have someone else that i love.

Y/N : I will tell Mr Kim about this.

You about to walk out from the cafe but your mother hold your arm.

Mom : You're listen here very carefully. Stay away from them.

Y/N : No. I won't stay away from them. I will protecting them as they did to me. You will not hurting them, Mrs Kim.

Mom : You're forget who i am? I'm Mrs Kim. Your step brother mother. They will trusting me more than a trash like you.

Y/N : Really? Then you listen to me very well. I will find a way to let them know about this.

You said.

Y/N : And you...won't get pass from this.

Mom : Well...Since you so excited to let them know, why don't you just come with me? Sunghoon dear..

Your eyes widen. You turn around and saw Sunghoon was standing right behind you.

Y/N : Oppa?

Mom : Take her with us.

Sunghoon pull your hand and drag you inside the car. You try to run away but failed since Sunghoon was holding on you.

Y/N : How did you

Mom : Long story. We just help each other to get what we want, right dear.

Sunghoon : That's right, honey.

Y/N : Don't make me vomit by call her like that. You guys in relationship? Wait a minute ! Is this the guy that you love, Mrs Kim?

Mom : Yes. His young and full with passion. The important thing is i was more happy with him.

Y/N : Bullshit !

You said angrily.

Y/N : Where are you guys taking me?

Sunghoon : Quiet !

Mom : Dear, i think this is the best time to proceed our plan.

Sunghoon : Finally.. i have been waiting for this for long time. It's time for me to kill your beloved step brother.

Y/N : You're trying to kill them? But why?

Sunghoon : Because of them, my brother killed himself.

You was shocked.

Y/N : What are you talking about?

Sunghoon : Niki. The boy that jumped off from the school rooftop because of bully actually my brother. Every single days he coming back home with fresh bruise because of who. Because of your step brother, BTS.

Y/N : You're was Niki brother? I'm sorry for their behalf.

Sunghoon : Your sorry can't bring him back into life.

Y/N : Your revenge also can't bring your brother back again.

He speechless.

Y/N : What did you get from taking a revenge?

Sunghoon : I can feel satisfy. I don't care if i can't kill all of them. I just want they feel lose especially Jungkook. He was the reason behind all this.

Y/N : Please don't harm them.

Sunghoon : Why? Are you care about them? Aren't you hate them? Why you care about them when they didn't care about you?

Y/N : Who say they didn't care about me? They care for me a lot. More than my own mother ever did to me.

Mom : A mother? Come on, Y/N. You know i never want you in my life.

Y/N : Then why did you come for me?

Mom : Because i thought we will be a great partner to destroy Kim's family. You hate me and i hate you. We don't have to like each other to be a partner in crime. So i thought you would pretend and play your role well but instead, you are getting very very close with your so called step brother's.

You let out dry chuckled.

Y/N : Pretending is not my fucking things. Beside i never want to be your crime partners. I won't let you destroy them.

Mom : You won't be able to do that. Do you know who i have behind me?

You shake your head.

Mom : I have a powerful mafia behind me. I join them but in order to be the best, i have to destroy the best.

Y/N : What do you mean by that? A mafia? The best? I don't get it.

You ask with confused face.

Mom : Well..I will tell you everything. After i left the house, i go to one place. That place was a mafia place. I join them and help them to destroy their enemy.

Y/N : By marrying them?

Mom : I don't need to marry them actually but Kim get into deep feeling toward me. So my master said i can easily destroy them from inside. Kill one by one the person that he love and make him suffer.

Y/N : By why them?

Sunghoon : Because Kim's is one of the biggest and dangerous mafia. We have to find their weakness to destroying them.

You was shocked like hell.

Y/N : What the fuck that you guys talking about? They are mafia? You're joking, right? They just normal people.

Sunghoon : Seems like your beloved step brother forget to let you guys know about this.

You seems very shocked with the truth. You guys was arrive in one hidden villa but you didn't know where you been.

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