CH 9 - First Person To Be Called

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It have been few days since your mom left for her honeymoon. You go to school by yourself even you have to go 1 hour early. You also coming back from school by bus.

You go to school before BTS come downstair and you also come back before them. You will eat before they coming back. Then you will lock yourself in the room.

Jimin : Are we kind of disease?

Taehyung : Why?

Jimin : Because Y/N keep avoiding us.

He said sadly.

Taehyung : Aren't we should happy for that?

Hoseok : Why we should happy? She was our sister. She already become one from us.

Jungkook : Are you happy to have her as a sister?

Hoseok : Well.. It's not like i really like her. It just i really want to have a baby sister again. I want to spoiled her in a way that only a brother can do for his sister.

Yoongi : Sound like you already accept her in our family.

Hoseok : Hyung, God give you a chance to have a sister again. I willing to try to get close with her if i could. The problem is, i didn't see her at all. She left before we coming down. She lock herself before we coming back from school and work. How can i show her my good side?

Namjoon : She won't appreciate your good intentions, Hoseok-ah.

Jungkook : You want me to destroy her door?

Jin : Jungkook ! Don't you try !

He warn him. The youngest pouting.

Namjoon : Just let her be. As long she didn't create any ruckus that can involving us, than that was fine.

Taehyung : Yeah.

Then they go to eat dinner. After that, they gather at the secret room because they have some work to do. They left the house after they change their outfit.

They left with a black SUV. They have a secret mission. They didn't forget to left few bodyguard to guard the house.


I wake up at 2 am like that because i feel so thirsty. I rub my eyes as i step downstair carefully. I walk to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.

Then suddenly i hear like someone try to open the door. I gulped scaredly. I take one pan and carry it as my weapon.

I slowly walk to the front door. I take careful step and hiding behind the door. The door got open and i hit that person with the pan.

?? : Ouch !

Y/N : You're thief !

?? : Y/N, what are you doing?

I take a good look and i saw my step brother. I let out a relieve sigh.

Y/N : You're guys just got home?

Yoongi : Yeah.

Y/N : Sorry, Jimin-shi. I didn't mean to hurt you. Is that hurt?

Jimin : Let me hit you once with pan.

He state angrily.

Y/N : Wait at the couch.

I said and rush to the kitchen back again. I take a pack of ice and i put it slowly on his forehead. He whimper in pain.

Y/N : Sorry.

I said slowly as i kneel infront of him. I still hold the ice packs.

Y/N : Sorry again. I didn't mean to hit you. I thought someone try to get into our house.

Jin : Our house?

I just realise.

Y/N : Uh..I mean your house. Is that still hurt?

Jimin : A bit.

Y/N : Then i will go back to my room first. Keep the ice at your bruise.

Jin : Y/N ?

Y/N : Yes?

Jin : Why you never join us in anything?

Y/N : Why would i?

Yoongi : Are you mad with us or something?

Y/N : No. Let me ask you guys something. Did any of you want me here? I mean really accept me as a sister.

All of them stay silent.

Y/N : See. You don't want me here and i also don't want to be here. But to have a brother like you guys will be a good moments for me.

They look at me with a shock face.

Y/N : Good night, guys.

I said and walk upstair to my room. I continue to sleep. I about to sleep when someone enter my room.

Y/N : Yes, Hoseok-shi?

Hoseok : Y/N, i wanna tell you something.

Y/N : Can't you wait until tomorrow?

Hoseok : Y/N, i just want to let you know that i always want to have a sister. Actually i was glad that now i have a sister. And i want to get to know of you well. I hope we can be a friends or good buddy.

I look at him like i can't believe he said that.

Y/N : You're willing to accept me?

Hoseok : Yes. I don't care if the others didn't accept you. As long as i accept you, it doesn't matter.

Y/N : Why did you so kind and positive?

Hoseok : Maybe because i want to do something new? Maybe with you?

Y/N : Okay. Let's be a friends but not too close.

Hoseok : Sound good. Then let me introduce myself first. My name is Kim Hoseok. But you can call me Hobi.

I clear my throat.

Y/N : My name is Ha Y/N. Nice to meet you. Can i call you 'oppa'? You know since you older than me.

Hoseok : You will call me 'Oppa'?

Y/N : Yeah. If you allow me,....oppa.

I said that his eyes watery.

Y/N : You don't like when i call you that? I can call you..

My sentence get cut when he hug me. I was double shocked and froze in his arm.

Hoseok : I'm waiting for long time just to hear someone call me that again. Especially from my baby sister.

He said softly. He slowly pulled away.

Hoseok : Good night, sister.

Y/N : Good night, oppa.

He smile widely and nod. He left my room. I feel weird with him. I lie down back on my bed and try to sleep but can't. His action make me awake from my sleep.

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