CH 49 - The Day

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You just lie down on your bed for the past few days. You getting bored but your body was so weak. You can't get up or sat up without any help.

Namjoon : Hi, lovely.

You just smile as he sat next to you.

Namjoon: How you feel today?

Y/N : Bad. Where is the others?

Namjoon : They going out for awhile for some works.

Y/N : Oppa, can you take me to the garden?

Namjoon : Sure, lovely.

He said and he carry you gently. He take you to the garden of the mansion. He take a sit on the bench and he place you on his lap. You rest your head at his shoulder.

Y/N : Woww...The sunlight is too strong. But it was nice.

Namjoon : Are you okay?

Y/N : Yeah.. I miss to walk out.

Namjoon : I can grab the wheelchair if you want.

Y/N : No need, oppa. This is also good for me.

You buried your head at his crook neck.

Y/N : Oppa, how you and the others lately?

Namjoon : We're just fine, sweetheart. We just miss to hang out with you.

Y/N : You can come to my room and accompany me.

Namjoon : I know. But i don't want to disturb your peaceful resting.

Y/N : Oppa, i will get my real rest soon. So don't worry. Oppa, did we have any ice cream or cake?

Namjoon : Lets go inside. I will check it for you.

He carries you and gets inside the house. He places you on the couch. Then he walked to the kitchen. He came back with a few types of dessert.

Y/N : Wow....

You look excited.

Namjoon : I will feed you.

He sits next to you and feeds you fondly. But not too long, you guys hear the front door got open.

Taehyung : Baby?

He rush happily and sit next to you. He kiss your cheeks.

Taehyung : How are you?

Y/N : I'm fine.

Taehyung : I miss you so much.

Y/N : I miss you too.

You said as you hug him.

Namjoon : Tae, can you feed Y/N? I need to take this call.

Taehyung : Okay, hyung.

Then Namjoin left both of you. Taehyung take a bowl of ice cream and feed you.

Y/N : Oppa, i wanna say sorry.

Taehyung : For what, baby?

Y/N : Among your other brothers, i have been very rude with you since the first meeting. I keep talking back to you and talk in harsh word.

He just chuckled.

Taehyung : Yeahh..I remember. You always called me ' Kim Fucking Taehyung' in cold tone.

You giggled shyly.

Taehyung : But our cute argument brings us closer. Am i right?

Y/N : I think so.

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