CH 5 - Shopping & Dinner

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You was studying at the school library because you was waiting for your mom to pick you up. Your dad told you that she will come.

?? : Have you wait for long time?

You raise your head and look up. You saw BTS. You sighed and continue to study.

Y/N : What do you guys want?

Jin : Mom told us to take you home.

Y/N : I'm going to my mom house.

Jin : Y/N, can you listen first?

You ignore him and call your mom.


Y/N : Hello, mom.

Mom : Hello, Y/N. Why did you call?

Y/N : Aren't you told dad that you will pick me up today?

Mom : Oh.. I have ask your brother to pick you up.

Y/N : First, they are not my brother. Second, you should told me that you can't pick me instead of tell them to pick me up !

You yell whisper.

Mom : I'm sorry.

Y/N : I will go to dad house. If you want me to spend the night, then pick me up at dad house.

You said and hang up.


Yoongi : Why did you talk with mom so rude like that?

He mad at you.

Y/N : Get lost !

You said as you keep you thing inside your bag. You about to go but Namjoon stop you.

Namjoon : We'll take you home.

Y/N : I said get lost. I know how to get home.

Namjoon : Y/N !

Y/N : You are not my brother so stop acting like one !

Jin : We soon to be your brother.

Y/N : Correction. It was step-brother !

You said and left them. They sighed and walk to their car. You walk to the closest bus stop. Your phone didn't stop ringing.

Then one car stop infront of the bus stop. You try to look at that person and that person come out from the car. Your eyes widen. You get up and bow to him.

?? : Hi, Y/N. Nice to meet you again.

Y/N : Hi, Mr Kim. What are you doing here?

: Well, i know it sound ridiculous but i'm here to pick you up.

Y/N : I already told mom..

Mr Kim : I know. She told my son's to pick you up but i don't think you want them to do that.

Y/N : And what you think that i will come with you?

Mr Kim : Cuz i believe that you was such polite girl. You won't refuse my offer. Am i right?

Y/N : I'm sorry if i didn't reach your expectation. I can't come with you. Sorry once again.

Mr Kim : Y/N, i just wanna get know of you. Soon we gonna be a family. Beside i already ask your father permission for this.

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