CH 23 - Acting

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Your step father told you guys that he will welcoming few guest. And he was inviting them for dinner tonight. You was busy studying with Jungkook in his room.

BTS member already become warm and they also slowly try to accept you in their life. They didn't deny that they was happy when you was around. They more happy when you have an argument with the maknae line.

You fall asleep next to Jungkook when you guys study. Jungkook was hugging you from your back. Your head was resting on his muscle arm. Namjoon barge into his room.

Namjoon : This kids !

He walk to Jungkook and shake his body.

Namjoon : Both of you ! Get up !

Jungkook : Shut up..

He groan in annoy. You turn around and hug Jungkook. Namjoon walk to your side.

Namjoon : Y/N, wake up ! You guys have to get ready.

He said as he try to pull your hand. But you pull back your hand and hug Jungkook.

Y/N : I'm sleepy. I don't want to eat.

Namjoon : We have few guests so we have to get ready now. It's almost dinner time.

Jungkook : Keep quiet ! It's too loud.

Namjoon walk to the bathroom. He took a basin of water and threw at both of you. You guys sit up out of shocked.

Y/N : Namjoon oppa...

Jungkook : Hyung !

You guys whine in unison.

Namjoon : Yeah..yeah..yeah.. Get your lazy ass up now !

Jungkook : Can't you wake us up with love and gently?

Namjoon : Shut up and get ready now ! Aishh !

He pissed off. He left that room. You also walk to your room. You lie down back on the bed and manage to sleep for another 10 minutes.

Then you get up and walk to the bathroom. You just have a towel wrap at your body when suddenly your brothers get inside your room.

Y/N : Arghhhhh !

You screaming as Jimin quickly cover your mouth and you accidently fall on the bed. And bad things is, Jimin fall on top of you. Your eyes widen.

Y/N : What is wrong with you?

You said as you push him until he fall on the floor. You quickly cover yourself with the blanket.

Jimin : Why did push me away? It's hurt, you know.

He said as he rub his butt.

Y/N : Who told you to barge into a girl room just like that. And what you guys doing here? I'm in the middle of changing my clothes.

Jin : We're sorry. Turn around, everyone.

He said and all of them facing the wall.

Jimin : Y/N..

Y/N : What?

You still answer as you quickly put in your clothes.

Jimin : You have nice body.

Y/N : What !

You throw your pillow at him.

Jimin : What? At least i'm being honest.

Hoseok : And pervert. Aish...

Y/N : Why did you guys here?

Yoongi : We need plan...

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