CH 31 - Secret

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It have been 3 days since Jimin left you in Busan. You keep staring at your phone. Should or not you call him? He really didn't come to pick you up. So you decide to call him.


Y/N : Oppa...

You call him slowly.

Jimin : Have you change your mind?

Y/N : Oppa, can you forget about this?

Jimin : No.

Y/N : Oppa, i wanna go home. If you didn't leave any bodyguard here, i already run away, you know.

Jimin : That's not what i want to listen.

Y/N : Will you take me home if i tell you the truth?

Jimin : Of course.

You stay silent in the line for couple minute.

Jimin : I don't have all day, Y/N.

You sighed.

Y/N : Fine. Let's meet.

Jimin : I will be there in the evening. Do you need anything by any chance?

Y/N : No.

Jimin : Okay.

He said coldly and hang up.


You sighed and rest at one room. You lie down on the bed and slowly fall asleep.


I arrive at the rest house. I step out from the car and the guard bow to me.

Jimin : How is she? Is she made any trouble?

?? : No, sir. She just fine. It just she didn't touch any food for the past three days. She just drink water only.

Jimin : It's okay. I will take a look of her.

I walk inside the house and it was so quiet. I look for her around the house. I check one by one the room there and i found her at one last room. She was taking a nap there.

Jimin : Y/N ? Wake up.

I said as i sit on the bed beside her. I shake her body a bit.

Jimin : Y/N...Wake up...

I said again. This time she stir around and slowly open her eyes. She stretch her body and sit up.

Y/N : You're here? When did you arrive here?

Jimin : Around 5 minute. Have you eat yet?

Y/N : I don't have any appetite to eat.

I checked her wrist and i saw her right wrist was in bandage.

Jimin : I knew it.

Y/N : Just pretending that you didn't see it.

Jimin : Pretending is not my things.

Y/N : Did you copy back my word?

Jimin : No. Get up and wash your face. I will wait for you downstair for dinner.

Y/N : Okay.

She said and then i left her room. She look refresh and cute with that baggy hoodie. She join me at the dining table.

Jimin : So?

Y/N : What?

Jimin : I'm not here to have dinner with you. I'm here for the truth.

Y/N : You're so mean.

Jimin : I being mean?

I said as i chuckled.

Jimin : How long have you know that your dad is not your real father?

Y/N : I never knew about it actually.

I was shocked.

Jimin : But i really hear that you say that you know about this all the time.

Y/N : I just have a doubt but i never thought this is real. I never knew who is my father. I don't know how to adapt this things.

She said as her eyes watery.

Y/N : For the past 17 years, i call him 'dad'. But the reality is, he was not my real father.

She said and burst into tears. I stay silent at my seat.

Y/N : But i don't want to care about who my father. He is the one that raise me up so he will be my father.

Jimin : What do you mean by mom can't stay alone?

Y/N : She can't walk alone anyway. She will always try to impress any men and take them home.

Jimin : What do you mean by that?

Y/N : When i was still a kids, a lot of people call me whore daughter. Do you wanna know why?

I nod.

Y/N : Almost every single days mom will take different men home. My grandma cry every single days whenever she saw her and any men went inside the house.

She said while tears flowed at her cheeks.

Y/N : But one day, she come to dad house with a men that a bit younger than her. She throw the divorce letter to my dad. She know i was inside the house but she didn't care much. My father sign that divorce letter after that men beating him. Then she walk out from the house hand in hand with that men. That was the last time i saw her.

Jimin : How did she found you?

Y/N : I become the youngest student to achieve an award for my excellent grade. And that time i was got invite to be in one quiz show. I won that quiz show. I guess that how she found me cuz she saw me in the tv.

She said and slowly start eating.

Jimin : How am i going to know if the baby that she carries belongs to my dad or not?

Y/N : I'm not a doctor, dude. I also don't know how. Maybe you should wait until the baby get born. And do some DNA test.

She said sadly.

Jimin : Are you sad?

She look at me.

Y/N : About what?

Jimin : About your father matter.

Y/N : Of course, i'm sad. How i'm gonna facing him now? I will keep thinking about the fact. I can't do this anymore. I'm tired with all this bullshit !

Jimin : Relax, Y/N. Now you have us.

Y/N : Don't you hear what mom say? She literally told me to stay away from you guys.

Jimin : So? You want to listen to her?

Y/N : Oppa, i don't want your family get messy because of me. I don't want you guys to keep arguing because of me. I don't want you lose mom because of me. I..shouldn't get born in this world at the first place. She should abort me before.

She said and cry again. I get up from my seat and walk to her side. I comfort her. She rest her head on my belly and hug my waist. She cry loudly.

I sighed and let her be. I don't know what exactly have she going through all this time. I don't know what mom have done toward her.

For me, she was such a good person. I like her as my sister. Even sometimes she kinda rude but she didn't cross her line a lot. She know her limit. How i can help her?

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