CH 10 - Banana Milk

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I was in the class right now. I sit behind Y/N and keep staring at her. Now it was time for Math class. I didn't focus with the class. I keep staring and thinking why she act like that.

Teacher : Mr Jungkook, it's very rare to see you awake. How about you come infront and settle this problem?

Jungkook : Huh? Me?

Teacher : Yeah.. You're the only Jungkook in this class.

I scratch my head. I didn't good in Math. I hesistatedly get up from my seat as few other stufent also get up and walk to the white board.

I slowly walk but then i saw Y/N pass her book under the table. She didn't look at me but she pass it to me. I take it and bring it with me.

I look at the book and i notice that she already write the way to calculate the answer. I turn my head and look at her. She just look at me and nod a bit bit.

So i just copy what she wrote. I done and walk back to my seat. I put back the book on her table before i take a sit.

Teacher : Well done, Mr Jungkook. The way you calculated it very simple and easy to understand. Keep it up with your good work.

Jungkook : Thanks, teacher.

I said. I look at Y/N and smile a bit. Don't know why but i feel warm with what she did. Even she said that she hate me but she still help me.

It's lunch time. I pack my things quickly to catch up with Y/N but she already left to the cafeteria. I saw she already take a sit at one table with her friends.

I bought a lot of banana milk and walk to her table. I take a sit infront of her and put a plastic of banana milk on the table. I can see Y/N and her friends was shock.

Eunha : Excuse me but why are you here?

Jungkook : Just. By the way, this banana milk is for you guys.

Woozi : For us? It sound suspicious.

Jungkook : Don't worry about anything.

DK : Why did you do all this, bro? Did we mess up with anything?

He ask scaredly. I was wonder why they look scared with me.

Y/N : Do you need anything by any chance?

Jungkook : No.

Y/N : Then, what is all this?

Jungkook : This is as a thanks for help me in Math class.

Y/N : Oh. Thank you.

Naeun : Y/N, you can't drink this.

Jungkook : Why? I didn't put any poison. Please don't think like that. You think i'm that bad until i didn't how thanks people back?

Y/N : Jungkook, that's not what she talking about..

Jungkook : It's okay. I always bad infront of all of you. All of you think that i keep bullying people !

I shout at them and get up. All the other student look at us.

Y/N : Jungkook..

She try to calm me down.

Jungkook : Drink it or throw it away if you don't want it!

I said and left the cafeteria angrily. My brother look at me confused. I skip the last class and went home. I stay in my room. I lock myself there.

Why everyone can't believe that behind a bad behavior still have a good side. Once a bad person, always a bad person. That's the things that the others always think about me and my brother's.

It's already past dinner time. My brother call me to come downstair but i didn't go. I hear soft knock at my door but i didn't response.

Then that door got open and i saw
Y/N. She get inside my room while carrying a tray of food. She standing beside my bed.

Jungkoom : What do you want?

Y/N : I wanna say sorry about what happen today. My friend didn't mean anything bad toward you.

Jungkook : I know that all the other students think that me and my brothers as a bad person. But can't we get at least one person to trusting us?

She put the food tray on the nightstand and then she sit on my bed. She sighed and look at me.

Y/N : Actually, i have allergic toward milk or anything that contain milk.

I look at her with shock face.

Jungkook : Sorry. I didn't know.

Y/N : Naeun told me to not drink it just to remind me. Because last time i almost died because i accidently drink it.

Jungkoom : I'm really sorry. I thought she think that i put something inside the drink.

Y/N : Well, i take some home.

She said as she show me the banana milk in her cardigan pocket.

Y/N : I can't drink it but you can. So you can have mine.

Jungkoom : Thanks.

I said as i take the banana milk.

Y/N : By the way, thanks for the milk. I appreciate it alot.

Jungkook : Why did you help me? Aren't you hate me?

Y/N : I don't know. I just feel that i need to help you. I feel scared when your name got called by the teacher.

Jungkook : Why did you scared?

Y/N : Cuz last time, few of our teacher got fired after they called your name out. So i hope it won't happen to our Math teacher.

Jungkook : Why?

Y/N : I like how she teach. It easy to understand.

Jungkook : Whatever.

Y/N : I will leave you now so make sure to eat your dinner.

She get up and ready to leave.

Jungkook : Wait !

She turn around and look at me.

Jungkook : How did you open my door? I make sure that i lock the door.

Y/N : I ask Hobi oppa the second key of your room.

Jungkook : Hobi oppa?

Y/N : Well.. His older than me so i have to call him that.

Jungkook : I also older than you.

Y/N : You are just older than me for a couple months only.

Jungkook : It should be calculate though.

Y/N : Not for me. Good night, Jungkook.

She said and left my room. I don't know why but i also want to be call like that by her. But i better didn't get too close with her. Or maybe i can.

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