CH 47 - Protective

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I wake up early. I take a quick shower and rush to Y/N room. I open the door and look carefully if she still breathing or not. It have become my habit to check on her first in the morning for the past 3 weeks.

I look carefully at her sleeping figure. I feel relieve when i saw her chest went up and down slowly. I sit next to her and look at her pale face.

I remove her hair that cover her face. I gently take her hand and hold it. I caress it gently and kiss her hand. I look at her sadly. I can't bare to lose her. She slowly stir around and open her eyes.

Jungkook : Good morning, princess.

I greet her happily.

Y/N : Why are you here again? I told you to stop watching me sleeping.

Jungkook : I just worry.

I said as i lie down beside her. I backhug her.

Y/N : Why did you not go to school yet?

Jungkook : It still early.

Y/N : Oh...

Jungkook : Y/N...

She just hummed.

Jungkook : I wanna say sorry for everything.

Y/N : What do you mean?

Jungkook : I wanna say sorry about that day. I promise you but then i broke it. I should know that you just want the best for me. But i abandoned your good intention. I'm so sorry, baby.

Y/N : I told you that i have forgive you. Why did you bring this matter up again?

She whine.

Jungkook : Still i need to apologizes privately to you. I know that i have been a jerk brother to you. I also know..

I got cut when she cover my mouth with ber palm.

Y/N : Enough. Beside i shouldn't get involve in your matter. You're an adult man. You know what you did. Wrong or right, it was your matter.

She said as she sit up. She stretching her body and get up. She already can start walking.

Y/N : I'm going to take a shower.

Jungkook : Y/N, let me take you to undergo a treatment in overseas.

Y/N : Oppa, stop it. I already accept it. You also should learn to accept it.

She said and walk to the bathroom. I still waiting for her on the bed. She coming out while wearing something casual.

Y/N : Let's go have a breakfast.

I nod and following her. She walk downstair carefully since she can't move well yet and still get a treatment for her leg.

Y/N : Good morning, everyone.

Everyone : Morning.

She take a sit next to Sungwoon and me. I help her to take the toast and strawberry jam.

Y/N : Dad, can i go to school next week?

Namjoon : School? Why? You should take rest at home.

Y/N : I'm kinda bored at home. Beside i miss my friends.

Step Dad : Then you can invite them here.

She look so down. She sighed.

Sungwoon : Just one day.

All of us look at him.

Sungwoon : You can go to school only for one day. Just to meet them and finish everything that you need to do. Okay?

Y/N : Thank you, oppa.

Sungwoon : I'm not finish yet.

Y/N : What?

Sungwoon : Make sure you have Jungkook at your side for whole day.

She has a shocked face.

Y/N : This is not fair.

Sungwoon : That's the only deal that i can do for you, pumpkin.

He said without look at Y/N. I know that he just want to make sure that
Y/N was fine.

Y/N : But why only one day?

Sungwoon : You need to stay home. I can't bear if anything happen to you out of my sight.

Step Dad : Your brother was right.

Y/N : Don't tell me that you guys also agree with him?

She ask the rest of us.

Y/N : Fine. Just one day.

Sungwoon : You know i did this because i love you.

Y/N : But i hate you.

She said and eat her food. Sungwoon just chuckling. That evening, me and Y/N was studying at the garden. She look focus.

Y/N : Is there anything that you wanna ask?

She said without raise her head.

Jungkook : Urmmm

Y/N : What?

Jungkook : Y/N, why don't you just stay at home?

She look at me.

Y/N : I just want to see school for the last time. I want to study there for the last time. I want to hang out like a school girl for the last time. I want to feel school air for the last time. I want to see all the teacher for the last time.

Jungkook : Then why don't you just spend the time with us?

Y/N : I still have a bit more time with you guys. I still can manage it. But oppa, please do well in the last exam. Score the first place this time. I know you can do it. You was a good student. It just you need to study hard. Okay?

Jungkook : Me? I'm not good in study. You also know it.

Y/N : Dude, i take a look at your note book. You was a great student. Trust me.

Suddenly, someone come and disturb our sweet moment.

Y/N : Sehun-nie !

She was excited. She rush and give friendly hug toward Sehun. She become close with Sehun after they study together. They take a sit.

Sehun : How are you?

Y/N : I'm fine.

Sehun : I can see it. You can run around now.

Y/N : Of course. I was a strong girl.

Then the others come and join us. They have cold face.

Jin : What is he doing here?

Y/N : Study. I'm still tutoring him.

Sungwoon : Tutor? Since when you became a tutor?

Y/N : Since....i don't remember.

Sehun : A teacher ask her to tutoring me since she was the top student.

Sungwoon : Did you flirt around with her?

Sehun : What? No. Of course, not.

He said nervously.

Sungwoon : Don't you ever dare to flirt with my sister.

Sehun : Yes, sir.

He said scaredly. The others went inside the house but they still watching us from the glass door. I just giggling look at the protective side. But i will miss all this moments. When i get scold because of sleeping or playing with my phone.

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