CH 42 - Relaxing

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You was walking through the back gate to avoiding the maknae. You was walking while reading a book when someone pull you and push you against the wall harshly.

You groan in pain as the book that you hold fall on the ground. You raise your head and you saw the girl that the maknae fucked that day. You rolled your eyes as you pick up your book again.

You getting mad when the girl thin the book from your hand and the book fall on the ground back again. You look at her with blank face.

Y/N : Pick it up.

You said while hold in your anger.

?? : Don't be so arrogant, bitch ! Just because you are BTS sister, you think i'm scared with you.

Y/N : I didn't say that. Are you scared by any chance?

She laugh sarcastically.

?? : Not at all. I can get them in my hand. I just need to seducing them and go naked for them.

Y/N : That you. Not me. I can get them in my hand without doing anything. That is the different between us.

?? : Whatever. Let me ask you something. Do you the one that told the maknae to stay away from me?

Y/N : Yes, i am. Why?

?? : You're such a bitch, you know !

Y/N : You're just told me that you can get them. So go naked and get them back !

You said and about to walk away when she hold your shoulder and push you harshly on the wall again. She slap you hardly twice and that make your corner lips bleed a bit.

She want to slap you again but you manage to hold her hand. You push her away. She want to spoke something but then you grip her neck tightly against the wall.

?? : Yah ! Let me go !

Y/N : You're hear me well. You're better stay away from them. Don't you ever dare to show your face toward them anymore ! You can be a slut for other person but not for them. I just want the best for them and you are not in the list.

?? : You're a what? A psycho?

Y/N : No. I'm not. I just want to make sure they will be fine and be alright when i was not around anymore. Remember ! Stay away from them !

You said coldly and let she go. You pick the book and dust away the sand but you stop walking when you saw your stepbrother.

You sighed and walk away from them. You walk to the closest bus stop. You know that they following you from behind. You stop walking and turn toward them.

Y/N : What did you guys want from me?

Jungkook : Aren't you don't like violent?

Y/N : Yes. I don't like it.

Jungkook : Then what was that? You use violent toward that girl.

Y/N : You're care for that bitch?

You ask him with cold face.

Y/N : You're mad because i hurting her? But can't you see that she hurt me first.

You sighed.

Y/N : There's no use to talk with you. Do whatever you guys want.

You said and walk away but Jungkook chase after you. He hold your arm.

Jungkook : You're care for us that much?

Y/N : No. Who say that i care for you guys?

Jungkook : You did. You know, action is more powerful than words.

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