CH 46 - Be Positive

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You wake up after lose conscious for 4 days. You was sitting on the bed after Umji help to wipe your body. She sit on the bed next to you and feed you some soup.

Umji : You're okay?

Y/N : Yeah. I just feel so weak.

Suddenly, Umji burst into tears. You take the soup bowl and put it aside.

Y/N : Unni, what's wrong?

Umji : Did you know?

Y/N : About what?

Umji : T-that you o-only have..

You cut her.

Y/N : ...3 month to live. I know that, unni. Then why are you cry?

Umji : How can i not cry? Sungwoon keep crying till today since he know about this. Why are you hide all this, Y/N?

Y/N : Because i know he will act like this.

Umji : Excuse me.

She said and went out. She just can't look at you at this moments. Then the door got open and you saw BTS and your step dad.

Step Dad : Hi, Y/N. How are you feel today?

Y/N : Good. How about mom?

Step Dad : She passed away on the way to the hospital that day. We're already settle her funeral. The others have been arrested.

Y/N : Good. I should prepare mine too.

You said as your tears threaten to flowed. You fan your eyes to prevent it from happen. Then the door got open by Sungwoon. You throw him a pillow the moment he enter your ward.

Y/N : Liar.

You said in cold tone.

Sungwoon : Liar? Me? What do you mean?

Y/N : You know about who they are but you choose to lie to me.

You said as you point at BTS.

Sungwoon : I don't get it, pumpkin.

Y/N : They are a mafia ! You know that when you meet Jimin in Busan !

You yell whisper. He walk closer to you.

Y/N : Why are you lie to me?

Sungwoon : Because i don't want you to hate them like you hate me. It took you 3 years to really accept the facts.

Y/N : What?

Sungwoon : Pumpkin, i lie to you because you won't have another 3 years to forgive them.

He said as he tears flowed.

Y/N : Oppa...

Sungwoon : 3 month. I just have you for the next 3 fucking month.

He burst into tears. BTS and your step father also cry. You take him into your embrace and pat his back. He hug you tightly.

Y/N : Don't cry. How can a mafia cry?

Sungwoon : Why? Does a mafia didn't have a heart? We're look tough but our heart was so soft.

You're giggling as you kiss his head. He pulled away.

Y/N : Discharge me out.

Step Dad : No, Y/N.

Y/N : Dad, it's no use for me to stay here.

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