CH 27 - Saving You

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You didn't go to Kim's mansion for 3 weeks. You didn't talk with BTS when you meet them in school. You didn't hang out with your friends and you didn't eat at the cafeteria.

For the past 3 weeks, Minho will get into your room every mid of the night. And for the past 3 weeks, you didn't get proper sleep.

You become more quiet and you spend more time with crying alone.  You was walking to the bus stop when Hoseok hold your arm and turn you around.

Hoseok : Y/N, what happen to you?

Y/N : Nothing.

You said with flat tone.

Namjoon : Nothing? Then why you didn't come to the mansion?

Y/N : Oh..I just got very busy lately.

Jungkook : We don't have any project in our class.

Y/N : I just busy with studying.

Jungkook : You suppose to tutoring me.

Y/N : I'm sorry. I just can't go.

Yoongi : No. You're coming with us today.

Y/N : What? Wait !

You didn't manage to do anything when they drag you into the car. You was worry inside the car. You keep biting your nail.

Jimin : Did something happen? You look different...

Y/N : Huh? I'm fine.

Jimin : No. You're not. Why? Did Minho still disturbing you?

You stay silent. Your tears threat to flowed.

Y/N : N-no.

Not too long after that, you guys arrive at the mansion. You didn't step out from the car. You keep looking at your phone. You a bit shocked when someone open the door.

Jungkook : What are you doing? You don't want to come out?

Y/N : Can you send me back to my dad house?

Yoongi : No. What's wrong? You never like this before.

Y/N : Nothing but i have to go home.

Jimin : This is your home too.

You sighed since they will not send you home. You step out from the car and walk inside the mansion.

Taehyung : Why did you keep looking at your phone? Are you expecting a call?

You shake your head and walk straight to your room.

Namjoon : We need to see what in her phone. Why did she scared to come here?

Hoseok : Not like usually.

Taehyung : Yeah.

Yoongi : I can do that. I can hack her phone and see what inside it.

Jin : Do it.

Yoongi : Fine.

He said and all of them walk to his working room. It took more time than he expected.

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