CH 33 - Cuddle

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You already change to your pyjamas. You was drying your hair with the towel. You didn't notice that your brother, Sungwoon standing at the door while leaning at the door frame.
You turn around and saw him.

Y/N : What are you doing here?

Sungwoon : I'm here to accompany my baby sister tonight.

Y/N : I can sleep by myself. I'm not a kid anymore.

You said in annoy while you comb your hair.

Sungwoon : But you used to sleep in my embrace.

You turn around and look at him coldly.

Y/N : That was when we're a kids. Now, we're adult.

Sungwoon : Really? Cuz i can feel that little girl was hiding behind this young lady.

Y/N : That girl already gone for long time.

He walk closer and hold your hand.

Sungwoon : Really? Are you sure about that? Y/N, you don't have to act tough like this with me. I know you very well than the others.

He pull you closer. He cupped your face and make you look at him.

Sungwoon : I really miss my baby. But seems like she really mad with me. Didn't the anger faded away after 3 years?

Y/N : Faded away? When this feeling have time to faded away? When i got a phone call about you getting shot? When you was in coma for 2 month after got attack? When this feeling faded away?

You said angrily.

Y/N : I told you to drop off from this fucking mafia thing ! The moments you drop off, i will come with you. I will go wherever you take me. But you didn't drop off. Instead you left me. You left me for your mafia things !

You shout at him. You hit his bare chest since he was shirtless. You was too sad but you can't cry because your anger already take over you.

Sungwoon : But you the one told me to leave me.

Y/N : Then why did you didn't leave me now? Why did you take me here? You send me back where i should be now !

Sungwoon : I won't. I want you here. At least for tonight. Y/N, i just can watch you from far for the past 3 years. At least give me one chance to take care of you before.... you close your eyes forever.

Y/N : Oppa, stop ! I told you that i don't want to be with you at my last day ! I want to be alone. I don't want you to be sad.

Sungwoon : I'm sad now. I'm didn't happy at all. I'm not happy because i can't be with you.

You look at him and he look so sad. You sighed and wrap your hand at his waist.

Y/N : I'm really sorry. I being selfish again. I know that you mean no harm for me. But i just can't describe my feeling.

He wrap his hand at your waist and hug your tightly.

Sungwoon : See. I know my baby very well. Behind these harsh word and hatred, there was a sweet girl that was caring and lovely. Your shout was still a cute thing for me until now.

Y/N : Why you never care about me?

Sungwoom : Who say i never care?

Y/N : If you care about me, then drop off from mafia.

He didn't say anything. He pick you up in bridal style and lie you down on the bed. He lie down on his side next to you.

Sungwoon : Do you love me?

Y/N : What is this question right now?

Sungwoon : Just answer me.

Y/N : Nope. I'm not love you.

He look at you blankly.

Y/N : Of course i love you, idiot. You're my only brother in this world. No matter how i hate you, i can't deny that we share the same blood. Am i right?

He giggled and nodding at the same time.

Sungwoon : If you love me, then get the treatment.

Y/N : Oppa, please don't talk about that thing anymore. I have made up my mind and my decision is finale.

Sungwoon : You didn't love your step brother?

You look at him unbelieve.

Y/N : Just straight to the point.

Sungwoon : You doesn't want to live with them? I saw and i watch how they treat you, Y/N. Maybe i can't be like them that always be 24/7 for you.

Y/N : Stop being nonsense. Every person was different. Same like you guys. But you guys have one similar things.

Sungwoon : What is it?

Y/N : You guys was the best brother for me.

You said and Sungwoon was smiling wider. You getting ready to sleep.

Y/N : What are you doing here more? Get out. I wanna sleep.

Sungwoon : What? I told you i wanna sleep next to you tonight.

You push him until he fall down on the floor.

Y/N : Stop dreaming.

Sungwoon: You're so rude.

Y/N : I am and good night.

You said. He sighed and get on the bed again. He shove his arm under your head so you can use it as a pillow.

Y/N : What are you doing? Get away !

You try to push him but he start to hug you.

Sungwoon : Just sleep.

Y/N : At least put on your shirt, idiot ! You think you have nice body or what?

Sungwoon : I do have a nice body. I have perfect abs.

Y/N : So what? I can use it as a washboard.

Sungwoon : Why it so hard to sleep next to you?

Y/N : Put on your shirt and then you can sleep next to me.

Sungwoon : Oh..So you're shy see me being shirtless.

Y/N : Not at all. I just hate to see all the wound scar and your useless tattoo.

He chuckled.

Sungwoon : Please. Just sleep. I'm really tired.

Y/N : Go and hug your girlfriend.

Sungwoon : I hug her every single night. So tonight i wanna sleep and cuddle with you.

Y/N : Nope.

He ignore your request and hugging you. He pat your back as you slowly drowsy to sleep. He look at your sleeping face.

Sungwoon : I miss you so much, baby. I broke my promise again. I'm sorry.

He said and he kiss your forehead. He keep staring at you while caress your hair gently until he fall asleep.

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