CH 50 - Messages

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Your funeral is already over. All of them was sitting in their room while crying silently. Your step dad was looking at the watch that you give to him.

Step Dad : I miss you already, my daughter.

He said. He looks at all of your photos on his phone. He can't help but to smile and cry at the same time.

Sungwoon call all of them to the living room. They walk and sit there. They don't have any expression on their face.

Yoongi : Why did you called us down here?

Sungwoon : I have something to give.

Dad : What is it?

Sungwoon takes a seat. He take out something from his jacket. His hand was shaky.

Sungwoon : Y/N told me to pass this to you guys.

He said as he put one pendrive on the coffee table.

Hoseok : What is that?

Sungwoon : You guys have to see it by yourself. I can't bear to tell you guys.

Jin : What you gonna do now?

Sungwoon : I don't know. The light in my life already gone. Leaving me alone here.

He said while look down.

Namjoon : But you was lucky. You got a lot of time with her.

Jimin : His not, hyung.

Taehyung : What do you mean?

Jimin : He and Y/N just reconcile after 3 years didn't meet each other.

Yoongi : Why?

Sungwoon : She hates me because i was a mafia. Well, i think that's all. You guys should take a look inside that drive. I will take my leave first.

He said and left the mansion. Yoongi take the pendrive and connects to the television. They was look at the tv when they hear your voice.

Y/N : Test..Test..Is this already record? Oh..It is.

You said as you smile for your video. BTS was smile while look at your video.

Y/N : Hello, everyone. Where should i start? Uh..

You look clueless.

Y/N : When you guys receive this video, that means i was no longer be with you guys in this world. First of all, i wanna say sorry because i didn't told you guys about my condition at the first place. I also told you guys that we not suppose to get close. I mean really close until we can love each other like a real sibling.

You said and then stop for a while.

Y/N : Dad..

Your step father chocked when he hear you call him like that.

Y/N : I wanna say thanks for accept me in your family even before we met each other. Mom told me that you design my room by yourself. I need to admit that you're really a great father. Your daughter was lucky to have you. You taking care of me well until i feel greedy to become your real daughter. I'm sorry, dad. I never thought that you willing to gave up on everything for me. Even my own mother doesn't want me but treat me like i was your own. Thank you, dad and i love you. I hope you will always wear my gift and i wish for your happiness.

You said. Mr Kim was crying when he hear your sweet message. You wipe your tears in your video. You chuckled.

Y/N : I'm stupid, right? I don't know why i can't stop crying. Now, for my beloved step brother..

BTS start crying hard when you called them like that.

Y/N : I'm sorry again. I know. No matter how many time i said that i'm sorry, it won't change the facts that i was the rudest person toward you guys. I never respect you guys. I always talk harshly with you guys but you guys always treat me nicely. I lucky to have you guys as my step brother. I think i should stop using 'step' word, right?

You giggling again.

Y/N : But seriously, you guys was the best brother ever after Sungwoon oppa. I'm happy got to know you guys.  I hope you guys forgive me because i broke my promise. I didn't keep my promise to stay at you guys side. Jimin oppa, Taehyung oppa and Jungkook oppa, i hope you guys will not wasting time with fuck random girls. I hope you guys will focus about the future. Jungkook oppa, i hope you will score the best grade in the last exam. You can do it. Make sure to study well and eat on time too.

You said. You get up and walk away. But then you coming back. You take your phone with you and walk to your wardrobe room.

Y/N : Guys, i have last request. I already mark my things that need to be throw away. I already pack my things so you guys don't need to do it. Uhmm...Please send this box, this box and thix box to xxxxx orphanage.

You said as you point at theee box.

Y/N : What else should i say? Oh yeah..Oppa, can you sometime visit my dad to check on him? He will glad to have you guys around. You know right that you guys was his prince.

You said and laughing while cover your mouth.

Y/N : And oppa, if you guys can...Can you regard my dad like your own? He really love you guys. Everytime i was with him, he just can't stop talking about you guys. He always say that i need to find a boyfriend like you guys. And guess what i say to him..

You said as you take a sit on the couch in your room.

Y/N : I said that i don't need to look for a boyfriend like you guys when i have you guys as my brother. Am i right?

You smile but then suddenly your smile drop immediately.

Y/N : Ah...I don't want to end this video. I want to stay with you guys. I'm gonna miss you guys. I should end this video, right. I talk too much. But dad, can i ask you something?

You said in pouty.

Y/N : Since i was your step daughter, can i use your surname? Kim Y/N.

All of them burst into tears.

Y/N : Before i end this video, i wanna say sorry once again for what my mom did to you guys. I wish i can stop her. And i love you guys till the eternity. This love will stay with me even if only bone left in the coffin. I love you, dad. I love you, my handsome oppa. Love by Kim Y/N.

You said and send a last flying kiss before turn off the video. All of them can't stop crying.


All these years have past. BTS start working under Mr Kim. Sometime they will help your dad at the cafe. Jungkook gain a top student at the university.

He study hard like you told him. They didn't forget to visit your grave whenever they have time. Mr Kim still keep your room in the same condition.

Whenever he miss you, he will sleep in that room. Seems like he can feel your presence there. He still crying when he remember about you.


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